Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Santa Clara I, San Jose Hilton
COS 95 - Population modeling III
1:30 PMDynamics of an omnivore and its herbivorous prey on a shared, inducible host plant
Kenneth O. Spence, University of California-Davis, Jay A. Rosenheim, University of California-Davis
1:50 PMPhase shifts in plant-microbe interactions with stoichiometric modeling of above- and belowground processes
Chris Clark, University of Minnesota, David Tilman, University of Minnesota, Claudia Neuhauser, University of Minnesota
2:10 PMUsing mechanistic models to understand synchrony in forest insect populations
Karen C. Abbott, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Greg Dwyer, University of Chicago
2:30 PMDensity dependent dispersal: A direct explanation for the complexities of insect outbreaks
Dale R. Lockwood, Colorado State University
2:50 PMMultiple factors influencing species interactions in a coral reef ecosystem: Implications for the dominant grazer, Sparisoma viride
Steven Y. Litvin, Stanford University, Julie B. Kellner, University of California, Davis, Alan Hastings, University of California, Davis, Helen Edwards, University of Exeter, Fiorenza Micheli, Stanford University
3:10 PMBreak
3:20 PMProjected avian population responses to 100 years of forest management
Joshua J. Lawler, University of Washington, Nathan H. Schumaker, US EPA, Brad McRae, University of California, Santa Barbara, Thomas A. Spies, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
3:40 PMPopulation dynamics of the primary hantavirus reservoir host in the US, the deer mouse
Angela D. Luis, Penn State University, Richard J. Douglass, Montana Tech of the University of Montana, Ottar N. Bjornstad, Penn State University
4:00 PMRestoring Iberian Mediterranean forests: Will the squirrel ever complete its journey?
Miguel A. Zavala, Universidad de Alcalá
4:20 PMSampling the nonexistent? Evaluating the presence/absence of wolverines (Gulo gulo) in the Sierra Nevada
Brian Hudgens, Institute for Wildlife Studies, David Garcelon, Institute for Wildlife Studies
4:40 PMIntegrating behavior and demography in vertebrate conservation: Does mating behavior improve estimates of population viability?
Leah R. Gerber, Arizona State University

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