Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 6:30 AM-10:30 AM
West Well St. Entrance , Midwest Airlines Center
FT 11 - Birding Around Milwaukee Harbor
The Milwaukee lakeshore is an important migration corridor along Lake Michigan, and one of the top birding locations in the state. The shoreline draws impressive numbers of waterfowl and shorebirds. Despite its urban landscape, over 300 species of birds have been recorded in Milwaukee County. This fieldtrip will explore the bird life along the Milwaukee lakeshore and nearby parks. The trip is appropriate for all levels of birding experience, from beginning to advanced. We will begin our excursion at the Coast Guard impoundment, which attracts a wide variety of shorebirds in early August, including yellowlegs, short-billed dowitchers, black-bellied plovers, semipalmated and stilt sandpipers, and the occasional white-rumped sandpiper, Wilson’s phalarope, and sora rail. From there, we will continue birding along the lakeshore at several parks, where we are likely to see a variety of migrating songbirds, particularly warblers. Led by biologist Peter Dunn of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, this trip will provide participants with ample opportunity to view a number of birds that are native to the Milwaukee region. Wear sturdy shoes for walking short distances on flat but uneven ground. Participants should wear layers and bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Bring binoculars. This field trip is open to children who can participate in the walking sections of the tour.

See more of Events and Field Trips

See more of The 93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)