Tuesday, August 4, 2009

7:00 AM-8:00 AM
ESA Graduate Students and Post-Doc Roundtable with ESA Leadership

7:00 AM-9:00 AM
ESA Frontiers Editorial Board Meeting
ESA Meetings Committee Meeting
ESA Professional Certification Board Meeting
SEEDS Advisory Board Meeting

8:00 AM-11:30 AM
SYMP 4 - "Declaring Interdependence": Concerned Ecological Thinkers of the Past
SYMP 5 - Global Sustainability in the Face of Uncertainty: How to More Effectively Translate Ecological Knowledge to Policy Makers, Managers, and the Public
SYMP 6 - Mutualistic Networks
OOS 8 - Ecological Condition, Ecosystem Services and Human Well Being
OOS 9 - Indicators of Regime Shifts in Ecological Systems
OOS 10 - Ecological Research on Defense and Other Federal Lands
OOS 11 - Physical-Ecological Linkages and Habitat Dynamics in Abandoned River Channels: Implications for River Corridor Management and Conservation
OOS 12 - What's New Under the Sun? Photodegradation and Novel Drivers of Decompostion in Dryland Ecosystems
OOS 13 - The Public Trust Doctrine: Where Ecology Meets Natural Resources Management
OOS 14 - Species Interactions and Communities in the Context of Relatedness (1 of 2)
COS 17 - Behavior: Foraging and Diet
COS 18 - Biodiversity: Traits and Interactions
COS 19 - Biogeochemistry: Aboveground-Belowground Interactions
COS 20 - Chihuahuan Desert
COS 21 - Climate Change: Biogeochem Cycles
COS 22 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Spatial Patterns
COS 23 - Conservation Ecology
COS 24 - Detritus and Decomposition
COS 25 - Distributions and Range Limits
COS 26 - Evolution: Selection and Adaptation and Phenotypic Plasticity
COS 27 - Forest Management
COS 28 - Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity I
COS 29 - Herbivory: Plant Defenses I
COS 30 - Invasion: Dynamics and Population Processes
COS 31 - Plant-Insect Interactions
COS 32 - Wetlands

8:30 AM-4:00 PM
FT 13 - Songs Sustaining Seeds: Santo Domingo Pueblo Harvest Dance

11:30 AM-1:15 PM
WK 19 - Federal Extramural Funding Opportunities in the Ecological Sciences
WK 20 - Models of Effective Research at Undergraduate Institutions
WK 21 - Writing a "Teaching Philosophy" Statement: Models and Suggestions
WK 22 - Environmental Justice in Ecology Curricula and Community Engagement
WK 23 - 100 Views of Climate Change: How to Build a Cross-Campus Conversation
Ecosystems Editorial Board Meeting
ESA Human Ecology Brown Bag Lunch
ESA Long-Term Studies Section Business Meeting
ESA Rapid Response Team Luncheon
ESA Science Committee Business Meeting
ESA Southwest Chapter Brown Bag Lunch
ESA Student Section Business Meeting
GLBT Brown Bag Lunch
Phenology Brown Bag Lunch

12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ESA Paleoecology Section Business Meeting

1:30 PM-5:00 PM
SYMP 7 - Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics: Should Ecologists Care?
SYMP 8 - Human Macroecology: Understanding Human-Environment Interactions Across Scales
SYMP 9 - From Genes to Watersheds: Developing a Post-Contemporary Agriculture (1888-2058)
OOS 15 - Special Series on Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles (1 of 3): Response of CBCs to Experimental Manipulations from the Plot- to Whole Ecosystem Scale
OOS 16 - Linking data and theory in dendritic ecological networks: From ecological processes to rapid understanding
OOS 17 - US National Vegetation Classification as a Tool for Sustainable Environmental Management and Conservation
OOS 18 - Sustaining Freshwater Ecosystem Services: Adaptive Ecological and Social Responses to Climatic Changes
OOS 19 - Analytical Methods in Phenology: Causes and Consequences of Phenological Variation Across Scales
OOS 20 - Species Interactions and Communities in the Context of Relatedness (2 of 2)
OOS 21 - Sustainable Cities: The Potential of Urban Regions for Advancing Ecology, Conservation and Education
COS 33 - Abundance, Rarity, and Population Estimation
COS 34 - Agroecology, Agroforestry, and Biofuels I
COS 35 - Behavior: Migration and Movement I
COS 36 - Biodiversity: Effects of Global Change
COS 37 - Biogeochemistry: Atmospheric N Deposition Effects
COS 38 - Climate Change: Plants I
COS 39 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Forests
COS 40 - Education: Research and Assessment
COS 41 - Evolution: Selection and Adaptation - Interactions
COS 42 - Grasslands/Steppe
COS 43 - Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity II
COS 44 - Herbivory: Plant Defenses II
COS 45 - Invasion: Ecosystem Processes
COS 46 - Land-Use and Land-Use History
COS 47 - Physiology: Plant Respiration and Transpiration I
COS 48 - Theoretical Ecology

2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Ecology Letters Editorial Board Meeting

5:00 PM-6:30 PM
PS 22 - Aquatic Ecology
PS 23 - Biological Control
PS 24 - Birds
PS 25 - Environmental Gradients
PS 26 - Fire
PS 27 - Grasslands/Steppe
PS 28 - Invasion
PS 29 - Invasion: Community Effects
PS 30 - Invasion: Dynamics and Population Processes
PS 31 - Invasion: Ecosystem Processes
PS 32 - Invasion: Invasibility, Stability, and Diversity
PS 33 - Invasion: Models
PS 34 - Invasion: Prevention and Management
PS 35 - Invasion: Species Interactions
PS 36 - Plant-Insect Interactions
PS 37 - Pollination
PS 38 - Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
PS 39 - Rhizophere and Root Function
PS 40 - Spatial Analysis and GIS
PS 41 - Trophic Dynamics and Interactions

5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Musicians Central

6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Ecology Letters Drinks Reception
ESA Ecological Applications Editorial Board Meeting
ESA Applied Ecology, Rangeland Ecology, Agroecology, and Long-Term Studies Section Mixer
ESA Asian Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Canada Chapter Business Meeting and Mixer
ESA Donor Reception (Invitation Only)
ESA Education Section Business Meeting
ESA Soil Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Statistical Ecology Section Business Meeting and Mixer
Michigan Ecology Mixer hosted by University of Michigan, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and School of Natural Resources and Environment
Oecologia Editorial Board Annual Meeting
OTS Tropical Biology Mixer
USGS Meet and Greet
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Alumni

8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SS 13 - Islands of Sorrow, Islands of Hope: Resilience and Sustainability in Island Social-Ecological Systems
SS 14 - Meet the Press: Talking Ecology with the Media
SS 15 - Big Models in Ecology: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Are All Possible Outcomes
SS 16 - Application of National Vegetation Classification for Management and Conservation
SS 17 - Natural Resources and Climate Change: Effects and Adaptation
WK 24 - Los Angeles' Rivers System: Ecological Desert or Vast Research Laboratory?
WK 25 - Learn How to Publish in EcoEd DL, ESA's Digital Teaching Library
WK 26 - Death Wish or Golden Parachute: A Discussion of Interdisciplinary Research in Ecology and Education and Making it Work for your Dissertation
ESA Eco-Art Student Choice Awards