COS 19-6 - Ecological controls of trace gas dynamics in grassland soil and the effect of land management

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 9:50 AM
Dona Ana, Albuquerque Convention Center
Adrian A. Hartmann, Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Nina Buchmann, Institute of Agricultural Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland and Pascal A. Niklaus, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are two major anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Soil-atmosphere fluxes of these gases are driven by a complex network of soil microbial processes; however, the ecological mechanisms controlling their fluxes are not well understood to date. Starting in 2007, we studied trace gas fluxes in three pastures in Switzerland (ranging from montane/moderately managed to alpine/extensively managed ecosystems). Rain exclusion shelters simulated severe summer drought; this treatment was combined with a fertilization treatment consisting of NH4NO3, cattle urine, cattle faeces and no fertilizer (control treatment). 


The three sites strongly differed in CH4 oxidation rates, ranging from 50 µmol m-2 d-1 at the most intensively managed pasture to 150 µmol m-2 d-1 at the most extensively managed pasture. The drought treatments as well as natural patterns in precipitation showed that water content is the key controller of CH4 oxidation, with CH4 oxidation regularly varying by a factor of up to five in the course of drying cycles. This effect was mainly determined by soil moisture, which affected the diffusion of atmospheric methane into the soil and limiting CH4 oxidation. The reduction of CH4 uptake due to fertilizer application was significant but rather small compared to many other studies. An additional field experiment testing dose-effect relationships showed progressive limitation of CH4 uptake with increasing amounts of NH4NO3 applied, an effect not observed for urine or feces containing equal total amounts of N, for unknown reasons. Laboratory experiments investigating the effect of individual fertilizer components (anions and cations) indicated that CH4 oxidation was controlled by different processes at the ecosystem and at the individual soil aggregate level; furthermore, the inhibitory effects of added fertilizer components were strongly site-dependent; while CH4 oxidation at some sites was inhibited by purely osmotic effects, other sites showed inhibition by ammonium but not other ions.

N2O emissions strongly depended on the combination of the drought treatment and the fertilizer application. The addition of NH4NO3 and cattle urine caused much higher emissions than the application of cattle feces. Simulated summer drought significantly reduced N2O emissions, with no differences between drought treatments remaining once soil moisture had equalized after removal of rain shelters.

Our results demonstrate that severe drought not only increases CH4 oxidation but also reduces N2O emissions, resulting in a net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions when expressed as CO2 equivalents.

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