SYMP 17 - How Does Having a Vector Matter? Perspectives on Vector Biology and Disease Ecology for Prediction and Control of Emerging Infections

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm B, Albuquerque Convention Center
Juliet R. C. Pulliam, University of Florida
Andy P. Dobson, Princeton University
F. Ellis McKenzie, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health
Many important diseases of wildlife, domestic animals, and humans rely on biting arthropods for transmission. Unrealistic assumptions regarding vector biology can fundamentally alter our interpretation of vector-borne disease systems with dramatic implications for prediction and control; this symposium emphasizes important generalities, differences, and gaps in knowledge across host-vector-pathogen systems and highlights avenues for reconciling models and data to produce quantitative frameworks for vector-borne disease control.
8:05 AM
 The buzzing in my ear: Mosquito biology and the dynamics of disease transmission
David L. Smith, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
8:30 AM
 Host communities as regulators of vector abundance and disease transmission
Richard S. Ostfeld, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Jesse Brunner, Washington State University; Shannon T. K. Duerr, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Mary Killilea, New York University; Kathleen LoGiudice, Union College; Kenneth A. Schmidt, Texas Tech University; Holly Vuong, Rutgers University and Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Felicia Keesing, Bard College
8:55 AM
 Vector feeding patterns and the transmission of multi-host pathogens
A. Marm Kilpatrick, University of California, Santa Cruz; Juliet R. C. Pulliam, University of Florida; Matthew J. Jones, New York State Department of Health; Peter Marra, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute; Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance; Laura D. Kramer, Wadsworth Center, New York State Dept Health and SUNY Albany
9:45 AM
9:55 AM
 Inferring epicenters of vector-borne epidemics from vector biology, with an example of Chagas disease in Peru
Michael Z. Levy, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health; Dylan Small, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; Daril A. Vilhena, University of Pennsylvania; F. Ellis McKenzie, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health; Juan G. Cornejo del Carpio, Direccion Regional del Minsterio de Salud, Arequipa, Peru; Eleazar Cordova-Benzaquen, Universidad Nacional San Agustin; Robert H. Gilman, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; Caryn Bern, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Joshua B. Plotkin, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
10:20 AM
 Effects of climate on key entomological parameters determining R0
Matthew B. Thomas, Penn State University; Krijn P. Paaijmans, CRESIB; Barcelona Centre for International Health Research; Simon Blanford, Penn State University; Andrew F. Read, Penn State University
10:45 AM
 Semifield systems for the study of vector ecology
Heather Ferguson, University of Glasgow
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