OOS 19 - Analytical Methods in Phenology: Causes and Consequences of Phenological Variation Across Scales

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Acoma/Zuni, Albuquerque Convention Center
Brian P. Haggerty, University of California, Santa Barbara
Abraham Miller-Rushing, National Park Service
Abraham Miller-Rushing, National Park Service
All ecological relationships and ecosystem processes can be characterized in terms of change over time. Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring biological events, the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors affecting these events, and the interrelation among temporal phases of the same or different species. In recent years there has been widespread renewed interest in phenological research, largely due to the importance of phenology in detecting climate change and made evident by the efforts of the USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) to coordinate phenological monitoring among environmental agencies, scientific networks, and professional and citizen scientists. The applications of phenology research extend far beyond climate change and include optimizing the timing of agricultural practices; predicting the onset and intensity of economically-important allergens, pests, and pollinators; planning recreational and ecotourism ventures; and forecasting natural phenomena such as wildfire and disease spread. Since phenology is an interdisciplinary science that integrates multiple biological and geographical scales, many professional and citizen scientists collect phenological data but with different, potentially complementary, goals. However, a variety of analytical techniques are employed at each scale and interpretations of phenological patterns vary (particularly evident at ESA 2008). This session features researchers who interpret phenological patterns and characterize the causes and consequences of phenological variation. Data from professional and citizen scientists will be presented. Speakers will provide insight into data structure and choice of analytical methods, including anova, multiple regression, selection gradient, Bayesian, multivariate, and geospatial. This session will provide insight into the methods by which this burgeoning multidisciplinary field is quantifying natural variation across biological, geographical, and temporal scales.
1:30 PM
 Flowering range changes and warming summer temperatures in an Arizona mountain range
Theresa M. Crimmins, USA National Phenology Network; Michael A. Crimmins, University of Arizona; C. David Bertelsen, University of Arizona
1:50 PM
 Forecasting trends in species phenological responses to global warming: The predictive potential of multi-site data
Jenica M. Allen, University of Connecticut; Ines Ibanez, University of Michigan; John A. Silander, University of Connecticut; Richard B. Primack, Boston University; Abraham Miller-Rushing, National Park Service; Hiroyoshi Higuchi, University of Tokyo; Sang Don Lee, Ewha Woman's University
2:10 PM
 Flowering phenology and pollen movement in a prairie perennial: Consequences of habitat fragmentation and implications for ex situ conservation
Jennifer L. Ison, University of Illinois at Chicago; Stuart Wagenius, Chicago Botanic Garden; Mary V. Ashley, University of Illinois at Chicago
2:30 PM
 As time goes by: Response of reproductive phenology to growing season length in American Bellflower, with implications for climate change
Brian P. Haggerty, University of California, Santa Barbara; Laura F. Galloway, University of Virginia
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Efficacy of climate models for projecting future phenology changes
Benjamin I. Cook, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Edward R Cook, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
3:40 PM
 Will climate change disrupt synchrony between subalpine plants and pollinators?
Jessica Forrest, University of California, Davis; James D. Thomson, University of Toronto
4:00 PM
 Timing of reproduction in selfing and outcrossing desert annual plants: The role of pollinators and herbivores
Katharine Gerst, University of Arizona; D. Lawrence Venable, University of Arizona
4:20 PM
 Growth-mortality relationships of Pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) in space and time
Alison Macalady, University of Arizona; Harald Bugmann, ETH Zurich
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