COS 108 - Environmental Gradients

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Sendero Blrm III, Hyatt
Steven Patrick Brady, Yale University
1:30 PM
 Diameter growth across an altitudinal gradient in the cloud forest tree genus Weinmannia
Joshua M. Rapp, Tufts University; Miles R. Silman, Wake Forest University; James S. Clark, Duke University
1:50 PM
 Local adaptation and geographic range within a polyploid plant complex
Patrick J. McIntyre, University of California Davis
2:10 PM
 The effects of landscape-scale environmental heterogeneity on forest community and ecosystem dynamics in central New England
Michael Dietze, Boston University; Paul R. Moorcroft, Harvard University; Andrew D. Richardson, Harvard University
2:30 PM
 Simulating random species-environment relationships at broad geographic extents
J. Sebastian Tello, Missouri Botanical Garden; Richard D. Stevens, Louisiana State University
2:50 PM
 The ecological distribution of C3 and C4 grasses in the Hawaiian Islands
Christopher J. Still, Oregon State University; Erika J. Edwards, Brown University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Ant colony size along a productivity gradient: Is competition important?
Udi Segev, Hebrew University; Jaime Kigel, Hebrew University; Yael Lubin, Ben-Gurion University; Katja Tielbörger, University of Tuebingen
3:40 PM
 CANCELLED - The tortoise and the hare: How seasonality in temperature impacts the altitudinal range of ecotherms and endotherms
Kimberly S. Sheldon, University of Utah; Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, University of Washington; Joshua J. Tewksbury, Future Earth
4:20 PM
 How deciduous woody-plant-cover affects seasonally-dependent ecohydrological limitationson soil evaporation: Energy and wind effects at patch and vegetation-mosaic scales
Darin J. Law, University of Arizona; Juan Camilo Villegas, University of Arizona / Universidad de Antioquia; David D. Breshears, The University of Arizona; Chris B. Zou, Oklahoma State University
4:40 PM
 Estuarine gradients in marine-derived nutrients shape seagrass-macroalgae interactions
Margot Hessing-Lewis, Simon Fraser University; Sally D. Hacker, Oregon State University; Bruce A. Menge, Oregon State University; Steve Rumrill, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
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