16S rRNA microarray analysis of shifts in microbial community composition in response to altered soil moisture and its implications for changes in nutrient cycling |
A molecular analysis of plant response to global climate change in an annual grassland |
Annual grassland response to altered precipitation and temperature: Genes, species, and ecosystem |
Connecting soil microbial N transformations to plant N processing |
Microbes on the redox ladder: Community and trace gas dynamics (H2, O2, CO2, N2O, CH4, CO) in a highly variable wet tropical soil |
Simple environmental factors determine the structure of complex soil microbial communities |
Temporal and spatial dynamics of redox-sensitive biogeochemistry in tropical forests: Implications for C, N, P, and Fe cycling |
The influence of cumulative and temporal variation in soil moisture on California grassland plant processes |
The response of gross nitrogen mineralization and nitrification to long and short-term changes in moisture and temperature: The relative roles of soil climate, chemistry, and microbes |
Variations in coastal redwood forest decomposition and productivity along an environmental gradient |