COS 124-4 - Assessment and monitoring of the Faganeanea channel for coral reef management

Thursday, August 9, 2007: 2:30 PM
J2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Saneterini Amosa Jr. and Sina Gogo, Marine Science Student, American Samoa Community College, Pago Pago, American Samoa
From the earliest beginnings in Samoa some 3000 years ago Samoans have learned to appreciate their natural surroundings. They developed a culture and way of life that respected and maintained a balance with their tropical island environment; however this balance is now in jeopardy. This presentation will examine the coral reefs of American Samoa today and their importance to American Samoa and its citizens. The need to protect this fragile ecosystem from current and potential problems that endanger their health and future will be highlighted. By conducting comprehensive assessment and monitoring of the Faganeanea channel and its coral reef habitats this project was designed to assist in gaining meaningful data to increase the ability to manage coral reefs in American Samoa. This presentation will discuss the assessment, awareness raising, monitoring training and demonstration projects that occurred in order to educate village members on the sustainable use and management of coral reefs. Data on coral coverage, disease, and bleaching will be provided.
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