Friday, August 10, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm Salon IV, San Jose Marriott
Shibu Jose, University of Missouri
Scott Roberts, Mississippi State University
Scott Roberts, Mississippi State University
The overall objective of the session is to bring together researchers from ecology, forestry, wildlife biology and restoration ecology to showcase the latest research in their respective disciplines pertaining to the longleaf pine ecosystem, the most threatened ecosystem in North America. The history and development of the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) ecosystem in the southeastern United States has intrigued natural resource professionals, researchers, and the general public for years. Over the last decade, considerable interest has grown in conserving and restoring longleaf pine ecosystems. For example, these ecosystems provide habitat for a wide variety of wildlife species including the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) and gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus). Similarly, interest in longleaf pine regeneration and management systems has been high among land managers, ecologists, the forest products industry, and the general public. The organizers of this session have been conducting research and teaching courses on the ecology and restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystem for the past several years. One of the organizers recently published an edited volume that sold more than 500 copies in the first two months. This clearly demonstrates the interest in the ecology and restoration of this unique system across a wide range of audiences from students to practitioners. Both the organizers co-developed an undergraduate course on the ecology and restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystem which is being taught at each of their universities. Topics covered in the session include overstory and understory responses to fire and fire surrogate treatments as well as other disturbances, restoration of the understory, retranslocation of redcockaded woodpecker, understory habitat quality for gopher tortoise, exotic plant invasion, and the ecophysiology of longleaf pine regeneration. The session will be a unique treatise to anyone interested in learning more about this magnificent ecosystem that has lost over 97% of its original extent since European settlement. The lessons from papers presented in this session may be transferable to similar fire dependent ecosystems in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world.