Results/Conclusions - Models based solely on aggregation and resource covariates clearly provided a better fit for B. procyonis presence than models that included host characteristics, site, and month of capture. Prevalence of B. procyonis averaged 6.5% at three control sites (no food added; n=186 individuals), 14.3% at four sites that had dispersed food additions (which did not increase contact; n=42), and 21% at five sites with clumped food additions that aggregated raccoons (n=81). The 95% confidence interval of prevalence at experimental sites did not overlap with values observed at control sites. Data collected prior to manipulation indicated that differences observed during the experiment were not due to naturally occurring differences at those sites; prevalence of B. procyonis averaged 2.3% at sites assigned to the control category, 5.4% at sites assigned to the dispersed food category, and 4.1% at sites assigned to the experimental category. These results support the hypothesis that increased rates of contact can increase transmission of parasites such as B. procyonis, and emphasize the potentially important role of anthropogenic activity in wildlife disease ecology when dealing with species that can take advantage of such resources and tolerate aggregations of conspecifics.