Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 10:10 AM

COS 16-7: Benthic Light Availability Model (BLAM): Application to basin-scale gross primary productivity in rivers

Jason P. Julian, Appalachian Lab, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Emily H. Stanley, University of Wisconsin, and Martin W. Doyle, University of North Carolina.


The emerging spatial scale of interest for fluvial ecosystem studies and applications is the river basin.  While much focus has been directed toward habitat availability and nutrient cycling across the fluvial landscape, light availability has received considerably less attention and has not been assessed quantitatively at the basin-scale despite it being the primary energy source for fluvial ecosystems.  We developed a basin-scale benthic light availability model (BLAM) that couples readily-available broad spatial data with easily-measured synoptic data using a GIS framework and the principles of hydraulic geometry.  We used this model to (i) quantify photosynthetically active radiation at the streambed (benthic PAR) along a 160-km river in central Wisconsin, (ii) predict gross primary production (GPP) along the same river, and (iii) assess the effects of agricultural land use on benthic PAR and GPP. 


Overall, benthic PAR decreased in the downstream direction due primarily to increased turbidity, and there was considerable local variation caused by changes in topography, riparian vegetation, and channel orientation.  These local variations in benthic PAR caused GPP to fluctuate greatly over short distances, as much as 2.1 g C m-2 d-1 over 260 m.  When summed over the entire channel length, present-day, post-agricultural GPP (635 kg C d-1) was ~8 times lower than estimated pre-agricultural GPP (4,992 kg C d-1).  Model simulations revealed that agricultural land use can cause an order of magnitude change in GPP, reduce or increase inter-sectional variability in GPP, and significantly alter broad spatial trends in GPP.  Our basin-scale BLAM is a tool that researchers can use to investigate relationships between light availability and ecosystem processes at broad spatial scales and also one that practitioners can use for more holistic fluvial ecosystem assessments.