Results/Conclusions Rank-abundance curves indicated a change in species abundance distributions throughout succession with the curves becoming flatter as succession proceeded. The number of rare species increased significantly over time while the number of dominant species remained constant at around 4. Species richness at the field scale increased through succession, peaked at year 41 and began to decrease gradually. Shannon-Weiner diversity also showed evidence of a peak around the same time, showing support for the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Evenness did not change significantly over time, suggesting that diversity changes were primarily driven by gains and losses of species. The decrease in diversity late in succession appears related to the transition of intermediate abundance species to rare species. As rare species are more likely to disappear from the community, a net loss in species richness occurred. We found evidence for the intermediate disturbance hypothesis that suggests diversity peaks within the first 50 years of succession in young deciduous forests. These data confirm the patterns of diversity seen in space for time substitution studies, indicating the robustness of those conclusions at the community scale.