Results/Conclusions The modelling analysis showed that none of the three-way interactions among T, C, and altered precipitation was substantial for either carbon or water processes, nor consistent among the seven ecosystems. However, two-way interactive effects on NPP, Rh, and NEP were generally positive (i.e., amplification of one factor’s effect by the other factor) between T and C or between T and DP. A negative interaction (i.e. depression of one factor’s effect by the other factor) occurred for simulated NPP between T and HP. The interactive effects on runoff were positive between T and HP. Four pairs of two-way interactive effects on plant transpiration were positive and two pairs negative. In addition, wet sites generally had smaller relative changes in NPP, Rh, runoff, and transpiration but larger absolute changes in NEP than dry sites in response to the treatments. The modelling results suggest new hypotheses to be tested in multifactor global change experiments. Likewise, more experimental evidence is needed for further improvement of ecosystem models in order to adequately simulate complex interactive processes.