Wednesday, August 6, 2008 - 10:50 AM

OOS 14-9: Broader impacts: Linking research, education, and outreach

Sonia Ortega, National Science Foundation


This presentation will use examples of integration of research, education and outreach that take place in projects supported by the NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 (GK-12) education program to illustrate how these elements are linked for broader impacts. Graduate students involved in this program learn how to communicate scientific findings to the public, acquire teaching skills and gain a sense of responsibility with the community in which they live. The institutions of higher education develop partnerships with K-12 schools. K-12 teachers work with graduate students in finding ways to improve the teaching of science in their classrooms. In many instances, environmental issues that are directly related to the local environment and relevant to people’s lives are included in GK-12 developed materials, lessons and activities. The majority of GK-12 projects are in urban areas. The GK-12 program provides many opportunities to include Environmental Justice as a critical element in the education of the new generations.


Examples of GK-12 projects will be used in this presentation