Monday, August 4, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
202 C, Midwest Airlines Center
OOS 4 - The Landscape-Scale Ecology of Pollinators and Pollination: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Processes
A key research problem faced by many ecologists is the extent to which the behavior of an ecological process within a landscape can be predicted from landscape structure and an understanding of fundamental mechanisms. For pollination systems at the scale of landscapes, the "holy grail" is: given a map of landscape composition and configuration, is it possible to predict where pollinators live, how they move to obtain resources, what the reproductive consequences are for the plants they visit, and whether the pollination system itself is sustainable? Research exploring the mechanisms underlying pollinator-plant interactions has productively focused on individuals, or within single populations at small spatial scales. In the past five years, ecologists worldwide have made unprecedented progress in identifying how landscape affects pollination service and pollinator communities. The purpose of this session is to explore the next step; that is, to identify and link mechanisms with landscape pattern that allow us to predict how landscape changes may affect pollinators and pollination services. The session develops a logical theme as follows. We use the "map" (landscape structure) as the organising concept. Three sections explore how we might use the map and our understanding of mechanism to predict: (1) pollinator abundance and viability; (2) pollinator movement; and (3) seed set, cross-pollination, and gene flow within landscapes. Because the goal is prediction from fundamental ecological principles, the symposium intercalates empirical studies with theory. We explicitly include contributors from various continents, recognizing that this will increase the diversity of perspectives. We also include speakers from disciplines beyond ecology to introduce new approaches and foster discussion of how to address our questions.
Organizer:Neal M. Williams, Bryn Mawr College
Co-organizer:James Cresswell, Exeter
Moderator:James Cresswell, Exeter
1:30 PMHow do bees respond to anthropogenic disturbance? A meta-analysis
Rachael Winfree, Rutgers University, Ramiro Aguilar, Universidad Nacional de C�rdoba - CONICET, Diego P. Vazquez, Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas �ridas, Gretchen LeBuhn, San Francisco State University, Marcelo Aizen, Universidad Nacional del Comahue
1:50 PMBumblebee movement patterns at the landscape scale revealed
Juliet Osborne, Centre for Soils and Ecosystem Function
2:10 PMPredicting the nest locations of bumble bees from flower distributions, and its qualities
Yukari Suzuki-Ohno, Tohoku University, Lina G. Kawaguchi, University of Tsukuba, Yukihiko Toquenaga, University of Tsukuba, Dulee T. Munidasa, University of Tsukuba
2:30 PMGene flow patterns and dispersal abilities of bees and its importance for pollination: A review
Margarita Lopez-Uribe, Cornell University, Bryan Danforth, Cornell University
2:50 PMArtificial intelligence models and pollinator movement
Daniel Chalk, University of Exeter, James E Cresswell, University of Exeter, Richard M Everson, University of Exeter
3:10 PMBreak
3:20 PML�vy flights and superdiffusion in random search dynamics: The context of biological encounters
Marcos G. E. Da Luz, Universidade Federal do Paran�, Gandhi M. Viswanathan, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Ernesto P. Raposo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
3:40 PMLinking landscape resources, pollinator foraging, and population persistence
Neal M. Williams, Bryn Mawr College, Jim Regetz, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California - Santa Barbara, Sarah A. Greenleaf, California State University Sacramento, Claire Kremen, University of Berkeley
4:00 PMUsing landscape analysis to measure pollinator requirements
Helen J. Young, Middlebury College, Kristen A. Pelz, Middlebury College
4:20 PMRelationship of bee community composition to floral and nesting resources, habitat structure, land use, and fire history along an open-forest gradient
Ralph Grundel, US Geological Survey, Robert Jean, Indiana State University, Krystalynn J. Frohnapple, US Geological Survey, Gary A. Glowacki, Lake County Forest Preserves, Peter E. Scott, Indiana State University, Noel B. Pavlovic, US Geological Survey
4:40 PMDeforestation and pollinator floral fidelity
Berry J. Brosi, Stanford University, Martin Arford, Saginaw Valley State University

See more of Organized Oral Session

See more of The 93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)