Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
202 E, Midwest Airlines Center
COS 39 - Interspecific Competition
1:30 PMCompetitive effect and response in the LHS model
Pierre Liancourt Jr., University of Tuebingen, Botanical Institute, Katja Tielbörger, University of Tuebingen, Botanical Institute
1:50 PMResource and non-resource root competition effects of grasses on trees of different successional status - CANCELLED
Christian Messier, University of Quebec in Montreal, Lluis Coll, Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya, Amélie Poitras-Larivière, University of Quebec in Montreal, Nicolas Belanger, University of Saskatchewan, Jacques Brisson, Université de Montréal
2:10 PMPlant-mediated interactions between an invasive oak gall wasp and a native butterfly
Kirsten M. Prior, University of Notre Dame, Jessica J. Hellmann, University of Notre Dame
2:30 PMEffects of planting season and disturbance on the competition between a non-native grass and two native forbs
Anne L. Frances, University of Florida/ IFAS, Carrie Reinhardt Adams, University of Florida/ IFAS, Jeffrey G. Norcini, University of Florida/ IFAS, Emily J. Austen, University of Florida/ IFAS
2:50 PMNeighbors, nitrogen, and plant-microbe communication: Understanding the role of acylated homoserine lactones in the rhizosphere
Katharine N. Suding, University of California, Irvine, Isabel W. Ashton, National Park Service, Martina Stursova, University of New Mexico, Robert L. Sinsabaugh, University of California, Irvine
3:10 PMBreak
3:20 PMCalculation and comparison of R* values in three larval mosquito species
Ebony Murrell, Illinois State University, Jessica A. Frigo, Illinois State University, Caisie E. Bazer, Illinois State University, Mark S. Dondero, Illinois State University, Kevin M. Kocot, Auburn University, Megan J. Timpe, Illinois State University, Steven A. Juliano, Illinois State University
3:40 PMIntraspecific aggregation modifies plant-soil feedback relationships
Pete Manning, Imperial College London, Anna J. Fenton, University of Manchester
4:00 PMLocal community size and the role of stochasticity versus determinism in affecting the outcome of competition in metacommunities
John L. Orrock, Washington University
4:20 PMWidespread displacement of one phorid fly species (Diptera: Phoridae: Pseudacteon) by another: Spatial signature of competition among naturalized parasitoids of imported fire ants
Edward G. LeBrun, University of Texas at Austin, Robert M. Plowes, University of Texas at Austin, Lawrence E. Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin
4:40 PMCoexistence of predators depends on differences in their sizes and the sizes of their prey
Zachary T. Long, McGill University, Mehdi Cherif, McGill University, Michel Loreau, McGill University

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