Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
103 AB, Midwest Airlines Center
COS 109 - Conservation and Fisheries Management
8:00 AMModeling the responses of the coupled social-ecological systems of the northern Gulf of California to anthropogenic and natural perturbations
Heather M. Leslie, Brown University, Maja Schlueter, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Simon A. Levin, Princeton University
8:20 AMDesigning marine reserve networks for species that move within a home range
Elizabeth A. Moffitt, University of California, Davis, Louis W. Botsford, University of California, Davis, David M. Kaplan, Centre de Recherche Halieutique Mediterraneenne et Tropicale, Michael R. O'Farrell, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
8:40 AMSpecies abundance distributions as a monitoring tool: An example using fisheries bycatch
Candan U. Soykan, San Diego State University, Rebecca Lewison, San Diego State University
9:00 AMMaximizing fishing yield with marine protected areas: A modeling study
Urmila S. Malvadkar, St. Olaf College, Anne E Gatzlaff, St. Olaf College
9:20 AMPredator detection and learning capability in an endemic lake sucker
Stephanie A. Kraft, Utah State University, Todd A. Crowl, Utah State University
9:40 AMBreak
9:50 AMReduced environmental impact from using controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer in two public bare-root tree nurseries
Ryosuke Fujinuma, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Nick J. Balster, University of Wisconsin - Madison
10:10 AMHabitat use of two songbird species: Response to forest management
Jill M. Wick, Alabama A&M University, Yong Wang, Alabama A&M University
10:30 AMData basin: An innovative system linking conservation science and conservation practice via the internet
Tosha Comendant, The Nature Conservancy, James Strittholt, Conservation Biology Institute, Josh Knauer, MAYA Design Inc., Joel Clement, Wilburforce Foundation
10:50 AMQuantitative analysis of vegetation: Minnesota’s native plant community classification - CANCELLED
Norman E. Aaseng, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, John C. Almendinger, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Robert P. Dana, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Michael D. Lee, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Kurt A. Rusterholz, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Daniel S. Wovcha, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
11:10 AMVisitors impacts on vegetation: Wildlife and surrounding area of Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Kalpana Mungali, Kumaun University

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