Sunday, August 3, 2008: 8:30 AM-4:00 PM
West Well St. Entrance , Midwest Airlines Center
FT 6 - Ecological Outreach Oppurtunity (EOO)-"BioBlitz" at the Proposed Milwaukee Central Park Riparian Corridor
The Milwaukee Central Park is a proposed conservation project being initiated by the Milwaukee River Workgroup, a conglomerate of Milwaukee conservation groups. Its aims are to protect a proposed 800-acre segment of riparian corridor surrounding the Milwaukee River from urban encroachment, preserve and restore the natural habitat of the corridor, and provide public access to this urban resource. Currently, this project, stretching from North Ave. to Silver Spring Dr., is in the legal stages of having this land zoned as public park space. At the culmination of this fieldtrip, we hope to accomplish two goals: (1) to complete an outreach activity with local Milwaukee residents, and (2) to use the expertise of ESA members to provide management recommendations for a local conservation project. The fieldtrip will consist of separating participants into groups of 5-7 individuals comprised of ESA members, middle school and/or high school students, teachers, and community members. Each group will collect biological data from key locations of concern identified by the Milwaukee River Workgroup. Data will be collected in the form of a "mini-bioblitz." Traditionally, a bioblitz is characterized as a 24-hour inventory of all living organisms in a given area; this blitz, however, will run for 2-3 hours. The trip will conclude with a data synthesis, reflection, and recommendation period following lunch. Ideas and recommendations presented will go toward the development of an environmental management plan. The overall aims of this trip are to: (1) allow ESA members to connect with the local host community of the annual meeting; (2) use the expertise of ESA to aid a local conservation organization in the planning stages of a restoration project; (3) leave that community with surveying skills taught by ESA members; and (4) build and/or strengthen connections between local schools and the Milwaukee environmental groups, so that similar educational activities can continue beyond this fieldtrip.

See more of Events and Field Trips

See more of The 93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)