Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
201 A, Midwest Airlines Center
COS 116 - Mycorrhizae and Plant-Fungal Interactions II
8:00 AMRoot trait diversity among AM and EM temperate trees: Partitioning ecological and phylogenetic variation
Louise H. Comas, Penn State University, Hilary S. Callahan, Barnard College, Columbia University
8:20 AMElucidating biotic factors that influence fungal endophyte community assembly
Megan Saunders, University of Toronto, Anthony E. Glenn, USDA, ARS, SAA, RBRRC, Linda M. Kohn, University of Toronto
8:40 AMBoth conspecific and heterospecific tree-soil feedbacks influence growth and survivorship of temperate tree seedlings
Sarah McCarthy-Neumann, Michigan State University, Richard K. Kobe, Michigan State University
9:00 AMAphid secondary parasitoids can discriminate against hosts from plants associated with fungal endosymbionts
Simone A. Härri, University of Guelph, Jochen Krauss, University of Bayreuth, Christine B. Müller, Institute of Environmental Sciences
9:20 AMSoil and mycorrhizal fungi origin influence the growth of Inga edulis seedlings transplanted into degraded pasture
Riley T. Pratt, University of California, Irvine
9:40 AMBreak
9:50 AMPlant resistance to bacterial pathogens in nature
M. Brian Traw, University of Pittsburgh
10:10 AMAssociation of bark beetle Hypocryphalus mangiferae Stebbing (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) with the pathogens Ceratocystis fambriata and Phomopsis sp in relation to mango sudden death in Pakistan
Shafqat Saeed, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Assad Masood, Bahauddin Zakariya University
10:30 AMPooled samples bias estimates of fungal species richness and composition
Peter G. Avis, Indiana University Northwest, Greg Mueller, The Field Museum of Natural History, Sara Branco, The Field Museum of Natural History, Yaya Tang, The Field Museum of Natural History

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