Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 84 - Latebreaking: Physiology
The effect of predator exposure on immune function in amphibian larvae
Sarah A. Seiter, University of Michigan
Effect of diffuse and direct light on fluorescence yield in Antirrhinum majus L
Holly L. Gorton, St. Mary's College of Maryland, William E. Williams, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Thomas C. Vogelmann, The University of Vermont
Ecotypic variation in chaparral xylem physiology between the San Gabriel and Santa Monica Mountains
Anjel M. Helms, Pepperdine University, Stephen D. Davis, Pepperdine University
Stomatal conductance responses to changing vapor pressure deficit: Do daytime patterns of regulation apply at night?
Ava R. Howard, University of Georgia, Lisa A. Donovan, University of Georgia, Marc van Iersel, University of Georgia
Temperature effects on the metabolism of ectotherms: Does Darwin break the Arrhenius law?
Cordula Schmitz, RUG, Barbara V. Feldmeyer, RUG, Bernd Freymann, RUG, Han Olff, RUG, Franjo J. Weissing, RUG, Ido R. Pen, RUG, J. Theo M. Elzenga, RUG
Seasonal trends of mesophyll conductance and its importance in understanding photosynthesis in a California Mediterranean oak savanna
Jessica L. Osuna, University of California, Dennis D. Baldocchi, University of California, Todd E. Dawson, University of California
Ethylene production following simulated hurricane stresses in tropical dry forest trees
Skip J. Van Bloem, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Transpiration and drought tolerance of five tree species in a temperate evergreen rainforest
Mylthon Jiménez-Castillo, Universidad Austral de Chile, Renato A. Rivera, Universidad Austral de Chile

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