COS 67-3 - Increased carbon and nitrogen input from fine roots in a CO2-enriched deciduous forest: Implications for soil carbon storage and nitrogen cycling

Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 2:10 PM
104 C, Midwest Airlines Center
Colleen Iversen1, Joanne Childs2 and Richard J. Norby2, (1)Climate Change Science Institute and Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, (2)Environmental Sciences Division and Climate Change Science Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN

The production of fine roots (less than 2 mm in diameter) is expected to increase under elevated atmospheric [CO2], especially in N-limited forests where increased belowground C allocation may facilitate nitrogen N acquisition.  Greater fine-root production under elevated [CO2] may drive changes in soil C storage and N cycling because fine roots turnover quickly in forested ecosystems.  However, the rate at which C and N are re-mineralized from fine-root detritus will depend on root population turnover and chemistry, and the soil depth at which the roots are produced.  We assessed the effect of elevated [CO2] on fine-root biomass and N inputs at several soil depths using a long-term minirhizotron data set combined with continuous, root-specific measurements of root mass per unit length and [N].  We conducted our research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Free-Air CO2-Enrichment (FACE) experiment in a sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) plantation in eastern Tennessee, USA where the sweetgum trees had been exposed to current or elevated atmospheric [CO2] for 9 years. 


CO2-enrichment had no effect on fine-root tissue density or [N] within a given diameter class.  Root diameter explained 96% of the variation in fine-root mass per unit root length, and 65% of the variation in fine-root [N] across CO2 treatments.  Fine-root biomass production and peak standing crop doubled under elevated [CO2].  Though fine-root population turnover was somewhat slower under elevated [CO2], fine-root mortality was also nearly doubled under CO2-enrichment.  Over 9 years, fine-root mortality resulted in 681 g m-2 of extra C and 9 g m-2 of extra N input to the soil system under elevated [CO2] relative to the current [CO2] treatment.  At least half of these inputs were below 30 cm soil depth where microbial mineralization of C and N from fine-root detritus may be limited by soil temperature, oxygen availability, or moisture.  Quantification of the effects of elevated CO2 on fine-root detritus and its subsequent decomposition, especially at depth in the soil, will provide critical information needed for predicting processes such as long-term soil C storage and N cycling in response to environmental change. 

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