Puccinia reduced plant height, biomass, and number of buds and inflorescences. Eustenopus showed no preference for either infected or uninfected plants, but because infection reduced the total number of buds and inflorescences, the weevil fed on a greater proportion of buds and oviposited eggs into a greater proportion of inflorescences on Puccinia-infected plants as compared to control plants. This suggests that in combination, these biological control agents have a greater than expected negative effect on the plant, which is the desired outcome in a biocontrol-weed system. However, when we estimated the proportion of seeds consumed by the Eustenopus larvae, we found that in 2006 (typical rainfall) seed production was reduced by 22% (±4% SE) in control plants but was reduced by only 3% (±10% SE) in Puccinia-infected plants. In 2007 (pronounced drought) all plants suffered higher proportional losses to seed-feeding larvae than in the previous year, but control plants were more adversely affected than infected plants (63% ±9% SE and 39% ±14% SE, respectively). Drought also reduced the direct effect of the pathogen on the plant, which in turn reduced the magnitude of the indirect interaction between the pathogen and the weevil.
The enemy enhancement approach to biological control assumes that multiple enemies attacking a plant will have additive or synergistic effects. Our data suggest that these interactions may be more complex than previously appreciated and can vary significantly from year to year and possibly site to site in response to differences in climate.