Thursday, August 7, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Stuart R. Borrett1, Stuart J. Whipple2 and Bernard C. Patten2, (1)Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, (2)Odum School of Ecology and Faculty of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Background/Question/Methods Organisms are linked together in ecosystems by a network of energy,
matter, and informational exchanges. This network allows one species
to influence others without direct contact. These indirect effects can
be dominant components of ecological and evolutionary relationships,
and are a prime source of ecological complexity. Here, we build on
earlier work to show that environ indirect effects tend to develop
rapidly in network models of energy-matter flux in ecosystems. We
addressed two related questions. First, how much of the potentially
infinite extended network is required for (1) the proportion of total
system throughflow (TST) derived from indirect flux to exceed that
from direct flux, and (2) to account for 50% and 95% of TST? We
estimated this by determining the pathway length at which these
conditions occurred. Second, what is the decay rate for energy-matter
in these thermodynamically open ecosystems? We investigated these
questions first in sixteen seasonal network models of nitrogen flux in
the Neuse River Estuary, NC, and then in several previously published models
of biogeochemical cycling and energy dynamics to determine the
generality of our results.
Results/Conclusions Our results show that indirect effects develop rapidly in network
models of energy-matter flux in ecosystems. In all of the models we
investigated the indirect component of TST exceeded direct by a
pathway of length 3. There was no temporal variation in the Neuse
Estuary models, and no difference between biogeochemical and energy
based models. This result strongly suggests that even in structurally
dynamic models that might change configuration before a given extended
network is fully realized, indirect effects can be dominant components
of the system activity. There was larger variation in the pathway
lengths at which 50% and 95% of the TST was recovered. For example,
in an oyster reef model of energy flux it required all pathways up to
length 6 to account for 95% of TST, while it required pathways of
length 158 in the average Neuse River Estuary model. The energy-matter
decay rates in these network models also varied. It was slowest in
the Neuse River Estuary models, with an average value of 0.98, and longest
in two models of energy flux, with rates of 0.59. We conclude that
indirect effects tend to develop rapidly in ecological network,
bolstering the Holoecology hypothesis that indirect effects are
dominant in ecological and evolutionary relationships.