Results/Conclusions Our results show a significant correlation between Japanese knotweed and M. rubra at both local (log-odds ratio = 2.8, P = 0.026) and watershed (χ2df=1 = 11.35, P < 0.001) scales. Consistent with the results from a separate knotweed analysis, M. rubra was more commonly found in sinuous stretches of the Hoosic (z = 2.038, P = 0.0415). This result suggests that the correlation between these species is driven, at least in part, by corresponding habitat requirements. We found little evidence for a protective function of ants under natural conditions, consistent with the relatively low herbivory rates of Japanesese knotweed. Interestingly, preliminary results suggest that native ants, but not M. rubra are induced by simulated herbivory. A significant decline in native-ant diversity with increasing M. rubra density or presence (Poisson regression, z = -3.07, P = 0.002) therefore suggests the potential for complex dynamics between native ants, M. rubra, and Japanese knotweed.