Peatland research community generally considers ombrotrophic mires, or bogs, as climax ecosystems that have developed via autogenic processes. While the term climax ecosystem has been widely criticized, it quite well describes bogs, which can persist for thousands of years. In addition to persistence, the bog vegetation and hummock-hollow surface structure related to water table is surprisingly similar in different parts of the world. In this study our objective is to quantify the importance of autogenic development and allogenic forcing of climate for bog vegetation. We study the vegetation of seven European bogs along a climatic gradient from highly maritime
We observed two trends of variation in vegetation. Firstly, there was an east – west trend, which separated the study sites from each other, especially the two Irish bogs differed from the rest. This trend describes the allogenic forcing of climate for bog vegetation. Secondly, the internal variation within the study sites was largely explained by the water table level, implying the autogenic development. The partition of variation showed that 17% of the variation in vegetation was explained by the differences between the study sites, while 12% was explained by the water table, the interaction of those two explained 7%. The average distance to the centroid (describing the amount of variation within the study site) was largest (0.50) in the two concentric raised bogs located in southern