SYMP 13-2 - Looking into the crystal ball: NSF and the future of ecology education

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 2:00 PM
Blrm A, Albuquerque Convention Center
Sonia Ortega, Division of Graduate Education, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA

Should we foster cyber-learning or encourage outdoor hands-on activities?  How can we combine both methods to teach and learn ecology to be more effective? Are we missing opportunities? Should we strive for interdisciplinary research?  How can research be integrated into the teaching of ecology at all levels?  What skills should students of ecology develop for the jobs of the future? These questions will form the base for this presentation and will use examples from projects supported from various programs at the NSF related to environmental education. In addition, prior to the ESA meeting, the author will seek input from NSF colleagues about current initiatives and future ideas on what NSF should do and consider related to ecology education.   


There will be ample time for questions to generate a discussion and ideas from the participants.

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