OOS 4-7 - Hydraulic contributions to differential survival during drought

Monday, August 3, 2009: 3:40 PM
Galisteo, Albuquerque Convention Center
Jennifer A. Plaut1, Enrico A. Yepez2, Judson Hill2, Jennifer E. Johnson3, Nathan G. McDowell4 and William T. Pockman2, (1)Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, (2)Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, (3)Biology Department, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, (4)Earth and Environmental Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM

Drought-related tree mortality occurs worldwide, including recent episodes in piñon-juniper woodlands of the American west. Although the physiological mechanisms of mortality are poorly understood, carbon starvation may occur in trees that limit transpiration (E) to avoid hydraulic failure. Results from a hydraulic model suggest that isohydric species, those that tightly regulate gas exchange to maintain constant leaf water potential (Ψl) as soil water potential (Ψs) fluctuates through time, may be more susceptible to carbon limitation. Anisohydric species, those that allow Ψl to decline along with Ψs during drought, are more susceptible to catastrophic hydraulic failure. 

We examined these contrasting mechanisms of mortality in isohydric piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and anisohydric oneseed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) at an ecosystem scale rainfall manipulation experiment in central New Mexico which was implemented in late summer 2007. We measured Ψs and Ψl and used sap flow estimates of E in control and droughted plots to parameterize a plant and soil hydraulic model. The model was used to estimate the safety margin between E and Ecrit, the value of E leading to transport failure. We predicted that water use during drought would reflect predisposition to one of these two mortality mechanisms such that:

1) piñon avoids hydraulic failure by restricting Ψl  and maintaining a wider margin between E and Ecrit, and

2) juniper Ψl  declines with Ψs, maintaining gas exchange further into drought but increasing the likelihood of hydraulic failure as E approaches Ecrit


Piñon restricted Ψl to -2.5 MPa in 2008 but not in 2007. Juniper did not regulate Ψl to the extent that piñon did; in 2008 juniper Ψl was ~2 MPa lower in the drought treatment than in the control. Under wet conditions, piñon maintained a larger margin between E and Ecrit than juniper. As soils dried, Ecrit decreased more rapidly in piñon than in juniper. Both species experienced E ≈ 0 at the same time so our prediction about juniper maintaining gas exchange longer into drought does not seem to hold. 

The observed patterns of E and Ψl suggest that while juniper may approach its hydraulic limits by allowing Ψl to decline, both species may experience carbon limitation under the imposed drought treatment because both spent approximately 6 consecutive months with E close to zero. Droughted piñon suffered approximately 35% mortality after less than one year of treatment, supporting the paradigm of carbon limitation in isohydric species during drought.

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