OOS 15-6 - Microbial linkages in the N and S cycles: Experimental evidence from lakes and wetlands

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 4:00 PM
Blrm C, Albuquerque Convention Center
Amy J. Burgin, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE and Stephen K. Hamilton, Department of Integrative Biology, Michigan State University, East Lancing, MI

Human activities have doubled the reactive nitrogen (N) globally due largely to agricultural activities.  Similarly, industrialization has altered the sulfur (S) cycle through fossil fuel combustion.  These anthropogenic perturbations have caused environmental problems such as coastal eutrophication and acid deposition.  Though human activities have affected both elemental cycles, scientists study the cycles separately.  Furthermore, the freshwater S cycle has not received the same research attention as the marine S cycle.  The N cycle, however, has been studied in depth across ecosystems.  For example, we know that much of the N (mostly as nitrate, NO3-) that enters watersheds is lost before reaching the oceans; however, there is still considerable uncertainty about the location and magnitude of NO3- sinks.  A key problem in ecosystem ecology relates to how and where this N is removed. 

Research on NO3- removal processes has emphasized assimilation or denitrification (conversion to N2).  The increasing application of tracer techniques (e.g., stable isotopes) has yielded a growing body of evidence for alternative processes of NO3- transformation, including dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium (DNRA) and chemoautotrophic denitrification via sulfur oxidation.  In this seminar, I will address the following questions: 1) Is there evidence for these alternative N cycling pathways in freshwaters? 2) Who is responsible for the coupled elemental cycling? and 3) What controls the relative importance of multiple, simultaneously occurring NO3- removal pathways?  I will address these questions through experiments that combined approaches from ecosystem stable isotope tracer additions, molecular environmental microbiology, and laboratory biogeochemical assays conducted in wetland sediments and the hypolimnion of a hypereutrophic lake. 


These studies were inspired by the observation that direct injection of NO3- into anoxic sediments resulted in the production of sulfate (SO42-).  Experiments across 26 freshwater ecosystems suggested that SO42- production could account for 15-30% of the overall NO3- removed.  A similar process is known to occur in marine ecosystems, and further work sought to isolate the bacterium responsible for this coupled N-S cycling.  Using a combination of enrichment techniques and environmental clone libraries, we determined that Sulfurimonas denitrificans conducts some of the coupled N-S cycling in freshwaters.  S. denitrificans populations are driven by suflide (H2S) concentration.  Furthermore, H2S and carbon both regulate N cycling processes such as NO3- removal, denitrification and DNRA.  Understanding how multiple coupled elemental cycles interact may lead us to reanalyze N and S cycling in freshwater ecosystems, especially those facing anthropogenic perturbation of both cycles.

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