Monday, August 3, 2009
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
Alexa R. Kaubris, Jaret Reblin and John Lichter, Biology and Environmental Studies, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Background/Question/Methods Anthropogenic CO
2 emissions have significantly altered the global C cycle and have been found to increase plant productivity and ecosystem C storage in experimental settings despite demonstrated nutrient limitation. These experiments have indicated that C storage may be stimulated or decreased by elevated atmospheric CO
2. Some evidence indicates that presumably stable soil C pools with low C:N ratios can be mined to meet the additional N demand under elevated CO
2. To better understand soil C sequestration and turnover under rising atmospheric CO
2 concentration, the Duke Forest Free-air CO2 enrichment experiment has been conducted over twelve years in an aggrading loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation with clay loam soils. Samples were collected from eight experimental plots at a three-year interval and were separated into forest floor and two bulk mineral soil sections (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths) for %C, %N, 13C, and 15N analyses.
Results/Conclusions After the first six years of the Duke Forest experiment, an additional 52 + 16 gC m-2 yr-1 accumulated in the forest floor under elevated CO2. The C and N contents of the forest floor increased linearly under both the treatment and the control before leveling off in the subsequent six years, apparently reaching a steady state with elevated CO2 producing 34% and 31% more forest-floor C and N, respectively. Over the entire twelve-year period, an additional ~30 gC m-2 yr-1 was detected in the forest floor of the elevated CO2 plots in response to increased litterfall and root turnover. No differences in C and N contents were detected in the mineral soil; however, a significant widening of the C:N ratio of the upper mineral soil under elevated CO2 indicates that N is likely being mined from the soil and being transferred to plants, thereby supporting the additional productivity associated with elevated CO2. SOM fractionations will be completed to determine from which SOM pools nitrogen was removed and to understand the long-term sustainability of this process.