COS 32-4 - Effects of scale on the paradox of production in an oligotrophic wetland

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 9:00 AM
Taos, Albuquerque Convention Center
Evelyn Gaiser, Department of Biology, Florida International University, Miami, FL and Jay Munyon, Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, FL

An inverse relationship between net ecosystem production and nutrient availability has been observed in karstic, oligotrophic wetlands, a “paradox of production.”  Carbon flux and nutrient cycling in these ecosystems is dominated by calcium carbonate-precipitating microbial communities analogous to marine stromatolites. Comprised of photoautotrophs, heterotrophs and perifauna, these complex micro-ecosystems efficiently sequester and recycle inorganic carbon and nutrients to attain significant biomass. Within the naturally occurring range of phosphorus (P) concentrations, stromatolite production increases with increasing P availability, the limiting nutrient in karstic wetlands. However, upon chronic exposure to above-ambient P concentrations the stromatolites disintegrate, commonly resulting in an inverse relationship of net ecosystem production to P availability.

Because karstic wetlands are exposed to P enrichment through cultural development in their watersheds, we are examining ecosystem response to P at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. In this study, we compare the direction and slope of the relationship of production to P availability at three scales. At the smallest scale, stromatolites are transferred to chemostats and exposed to elevated P for two weeks, at the mid-scale, we enriched the natural marsh with P for five years in 100-m long flumes, and at the large-scale, we took advantage of a “natural experiment” where decades of P-enrichment have caused strong P-gradients to develop.  We measured gross and net production and respiration using a variety of methods, including gas-exchange and biomass harvesting.


At small scales, P enrichment stimulated both autotrophic and heterotrophic activity, although mass-specific net production decreased because P<R.  At the mid-scale, P enrichment stimulated both biomass-specific autotrophic and heterotrophic production and P>R, although stromatolite biomass declined.  At the large-scale, P enrichment reduced gross production and respiration, resulting in a strong negative aerial relationship between net production and P availability.

We conclude that the spatial and temporal scale of manipulation affects the interpretation of the relationship between P availability and ecosystem production.  At small scales, P-stimulated bacterial consumption of ectopolysaccarides and increased dissolved inorganic carbon dissolves the stromatolite matrix. At mid-scales, the autotrophic community shifts upon enrichment to species having greater biomass-specific production rates, although stromatolites disappear. At large scales, the displacement of stromatolites and shading by less productive macrophytes causes the persistent negative paradoxical relationship commonly reported for karstic wetlands.

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