COS 3-2 - Bedrock nitrogen: An overlooked source of nutrients to temperate forests

Monday, August 3, 2009: 1:50 PM
La Cienega, Albuquerque Convention Center
Scott L. Morford, Benjamin Z. Houlton and Randy A. Dahlgren, Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

Traditional paradigms of nutrient cycling and limitation posit that nitrogen enters terrestrial ecosystems solely from the atmosphere; yet, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks contain more reactive nitrogen (N) than any other reservoir on earth. We tested the hypothesis that bedrock contributes N to temperate coniferous forests that are underlain by N-rich parent material. Using a paired sampling design in the Klamath Mountains of northern California, we measured total N content, N stable isotope ratios (δ15N), and strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of soils, bedrock, and five conifer species. Our study sites are similar in climate, elevation, and dominant tree species but differ markedly in underlying parent material (N-rich mica schist vs. N-poor plutonic diorite).  The N-rich mica schist derives from organic rich marine sediments (i.e., decomposed phytoplankton biomass) dating to 120 Ma. We used δ15N as an integrative tracer of nitrogen cycling and 87Sr/86Sr to trace bedrock weathering inputs to soils and plants. The δ15N and N content of samples were measured by CF-IRMS, and sample 87Sr/86Sr values were determined by multicollector ICP-MS following standard digestion and ion exchange methods.


The mica schist rocks contained 680 ppm N (350 – 950 ppm N), while the diorite samples contained 55 ppm N (42 – 72 ppm N). Nitrogen in foliage of plant species was substantially elevated in the high geo-N site relative to low geo-N site; this enrichment also held for total soil N pools. The δ15N of plant foliage followed a similar pattern across sites, averaging 2.4‰ and -3.8‰ in the high geo-N vs. low geo-N sites respectively – indicative of accelerated rates of N cycling in the high geo-N site.  87Sr/86Sr values from mica (high geo-N) and diorite (low geo-N) bedrock samples were ~0.7143 and ~0.7035 respectively, with plants exhibiting similar ratios to the dominant bedrock at each site. Taken together, the positive δ15N, extremely high N contents of soils and plants, and similarities in Sr isotopes among plants and rocks reveal that rock weathering contributes significant amounts of N in sites underlain by N-rich parent material. We conclude that bedrock nitrogen can be a primary source of N to N-limited terrestrial systems, thereby influencing productivity and CO2 uptake at ecosystem scales.

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