OOS 28 - Projection Matrix Models: Investigating General Patterns in Plant Demography

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Mesilla, Albuquerque Convention Center
Roberto Salguero-Gomez, The University of Queensland
Brenda Casper, University of Pennsylvania
During the last decades plant demography has gained a major understanding of key processes based on the application of retrospective and prospective analyses of projection matrix models (e.g, population viability analyses, effects of herbivory, fire, rainfall or drought, invasive species, density-dependent mechanisms, succession, habitat fragmentation, etc). The wide usage of these tools has given rise to over 230 published works, ranging from annual plants to sequoias. This session will discuss general demographic patterns from comparative studies, reviews and meta-analyses on the demography of plant species.
1:30 PM
 Phenology, stochasticity, and the demography of plant populations
Hal Caswell, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2:10 PM
 The evolution of life history: A meta-analysis of phylogeny and demography in terrestrial plants
Jean H. Burns, Case Western Reserve University; Tiffany Knight, Washington University
2:30 PM
 Plant populations track rather than buffer climate fluctuations
Eelke Jongejans, Radboud University Nijmegen; Hans de Kroon, Radboud University; Shripad Tuljapurkar, Stanford University; Katriona Shea, The Pennsylvania State University
2:50 PM
 How, when and where is it good to be small?
Roberto Salguero-Gomez, The University of Queensland; Brenda B. Casper, University of Pennsylvania
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Demographic delays may be a cause of regular fluctuations in plant populations: Modeling approaches and an example with an annual mustard
Pedro Quintana-Ascencio, University of Central Florida; Eric S. Menges, Archbold Biological Station; Carl W. Weekley, Archbold Biological Station; Michael Kelrick, Truman State University; Beatriz Pace-Aldana, The Nature Conservancy
3:40 PM
 Transient dynamics in stage structured models of plant demography
David J. Hodgson, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus; Iain M. Stott, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus; Miguel Franco, University of Plymouth; David Carslake, Warwick University; Stuart Townley, University of Exeter
4:00 PM
 Intra- versus inter-regional variation in the population dynamics of short-lived perennials
Hans de Kroon, Radboud University; Eelke Jongejans, Radboud University Nijmegen
4:20 PM
 Demographic models as a tool to understand and manage invasive plant species
Satu M. Ramula, University of Turku; Yvonne M. Buckley, Trinity College Dublin
4:40 PM
 Demography of a long-lived monocarpic plant (Frasera speciosa): How dataset length affects the accuracy of demographic parameter estimates
Judy P. Che-Castaldo, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC); David W. Inouye, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
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