OOS 36 - Lidar Measures of Ecosystem Structure:  Implications for Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat Modeling

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Mesilla, Albuquerque Convention Center
Lee A. Vierling, University of Idaho
Kerri T. Vierling, University of Idaho; and Sebastian Martinuzzi, University of Idaho
Kerri T. Vierling, University of Idaho
Lidar remote sensing provides spatially explicit 3-dimensional information about ecosystem structure. While 3-dimensional ecosystem structure has long been recognized as important for characterizing and modeling wildlife habitat (MacArthur and MacArthur, 1961), investigations into the relationship between lidar-derived habitat information and animal communities are just beginning to be published (Vierling et al., 2008). The goal of this special session is for senior-level, junior-level, and graduate student scientists to present research that explicitly examines relationships between lidar-derived habitat data and fundamental questions of biodiversity, animal occupancy modeling, and animal habitat use. This special session is important and timely given 1) the growing number of lidar acquisitions available to scientists across the country, 2) the recognition of spatial scale as an important variable to incorporate into ecological studies, and 3) the need for interdisciplinary approaches to solve management and conservation issues. References: MacArthur R and MacArthur JW. 1961. On bird species diversity. Ecology 42: 594–98. Vierling, K. T., Vierling, L. A., Gould, W., Martinuzzi, S., Clawges, R. (2008). Lidar: Shedding new light on habitat characterization and modeling. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(2): 90-98.
8:20 AM
 Climate change and spawning site suitability in low-gradient unconfined mountain streams: Mechanistic analyses supported by an aquatic-terrestrial lidar
Jim McKean, USDA Forest Service; Daniele Tonina, University of Idaho; Wayne Wright, U.S. Geological Survey; Carolyn Bohn, USDA Forest Service
8:40 AM
 Using lidar to quantify wildlife habitat in riparian ecosystems
Nathaniel E. Seavy, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Science; Joshua H. Viers, University of California, Merced; Julian Wood, PRBO Conservation Science
9:00 AM
 Predicting forest insect assemblages from helicopter:  An application of airborne lidar
Jorg Muller, Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald; Roland Brandl, Department of Animal Ecology
9:20 AM
 Using discrete return lidar data to map the distribution of snags, understory shrubs, and avian habitat suitability in a mixed conifer forest
Sebastian Martinuzzi, University of Idaho; Lee A. Vierling, University of Idaho; William A. Gould, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; Jeff Evans, The Nature Conservancy; Michael Falkowski, Michigan Technological University; Andrew Hudak, USDA Forest Service; Kerri T. Vierling, University of Idaho
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
 Laser remote sensing of bird species richness and habitat use in the Northeastern United States
Scott Goetz, Woods Hole Research Center; Daniel Steinberg, Yale University; Matthew G. Betts, Oregon State University; Richard T. Holmes, Dartmouth College; Patrick J. Doran, The Nature Conservancy; Ralph Dubayah, University of Maryland; Michelle Hofton, University of Maryland
10:10 AM
 Net primary productivity is positively correlated with canopy structural complexity in a northern hardwood forest
Brady S. Hardiman, Boston University; Gil Bohrer, Ohio State University; Christopher M. Gough, Virginia Commonwealth University; Christoph S. Vogel, University of Michigan; Peter S. Curtis, The Ohio State University
10:30 AM
 Measurement of three-dimensional canopy structure using coarse-scale discrete lidar data
Jordan D. Muss, University of Wisconsin - Madison; David J. Mladenoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
10:50 AM
 Using lidar remote sensing and support vector machines to classify fire disturbance legacies in a Florida oak scrub landscape
James J. Angelo, University of Central Florida; Brean W. Duncan, Dynamac Corporation; John F. Weishampel, University of Central Florida
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