OOS 51 - Ecological, Social, and Economic Benefits of Agroforestry Systems in Rural Communities

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Acoma/Zuni, Albuquerque Convention Center
Rebecca J. Barlow, Auburn University
John S. Kush, Auburn University
John S. Kush, Auburn University
There are typically five recognized agroforestry systems: alleycropping, silvopasture, shelterbelts or windbreaks, riparian buffer strips, and forest farming. These agroforestry systems provide promise as ecological based enterprises for forest-dependent regions where generating income from the land and creating economic opportunities can be a challenge. Found to be of most benefit in areas that may be poor and under-served by financial and technical assistance, these systems have been practiced as a way to improve the environment, increase productivity, and improve social conditions. Regardless of known benefits, there continues to be barriers to entry. Adoption and long-term sustainability of agroforestry systems require that the approach be simultaneously biologically possible, economically feasible, and socially acceptable. Currently, agroforestry’s potential is recognized by few land owners and land management professionals. Information on alternative management strategies is needed. Forest farmers continue to need “technology packages” that help them identify and meet their goals as well as maximize economic returns. In addition, forestry professionals and extension personnel need training so that they can provide needed support. The Ecological Society of America Annual meeting provides an ideal forum for addressing these issues and bringing these needs to the forefront. This proposed session will be structured so that it builds on current knowledge of traditional agroforestry systems and addresses current and future needs. For those current systems economic costs and benefits will be examined, as well as the potential for wildlife habitat in these management areas. Next, ecological impacts of emerging markets, such as forest farming of medicinal plants, will also be discussed. Social benefits of these systems are many, and one promising aspect is the potential of agroforestry systems to aid in controlling obesity. Finally, new tools for extension and outreach to assist small-scale landowners in setting and meeting agroforestry related management goals will be highlighted along with the benefits of these systems to the health of rural landowners.
8:00 AM
 Agroforestry: Pulling it all together to meet the demands for bioenergy and beyond in agroecosystems
Michele Schoeneberger, USDA FS/NRCS National Agroforestry Center; Gary Bentrup, USDA FS/NRCS National Agroforestry Center
8:20 AM
 Potential forage opportunities in naturally regenerated longleaf pine stands
Dean H. Gjerstad, Auburn University; Rebecca J. Barlow, Auburn University; John C. Gilbert, Auburn University; John S. Kush, Auburn University
8:40 AM
 Getting to yes: Agroforestry acceptance and adoption
Gary Bentrup, USDA FS/NRCS National Agroforestry Center; Bruce Wight, USDA National Agroforestry Center
9:00 AM
 Costs and benefits of creating wildlife habitat on newly planted longleaf and loblolly silvopasture sites
Rebecca J. Barlow, Auburn University; Mark Smith, University of Maryland; Kristina Connor, UDSA Forest Service; Luben D. Dimov, Alabama A&M University
9:20 AM
 Ecological aspects of temperate agroforestry systems: An overview
Luben D. Dimov, Alabama A&M University; Rebecca J. Barlow, Auburn University
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
 Cutting the trees to save the forest: The Finch Pruyn working forest
Rachel A. Neugarten, Cornell University; Steven A. Wolf, Cornell University; Richard C. Stedman, Cornell University
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
 Trade offs and win-win opportunities among farm practices, coffee production and environmental sustainability in the Los Santos region, Costa Rica
Mark W. Chandler, Earthwatch Institute; Sebastian Castro Tanzi, Earthwatch Institute; John E. Banks, University of Washington Tacoma; Lucia Vendas Navarro, Earthwatch Institute
11:10 AM
 The impact of the coffee technification process on bird diversity, density, and guild structure in Finca Irlanda, Chiapas, Mexico
Peter Bichier, University of California, Santa Cruz; Stacy M. Philpott, University of California, Santa Cruz
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