WK 12 - INVITED PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Using Diagnostic Question Clusters (DQCs) to Improve Introductory Ecology and Biology Teaching

Sunday, August 2, 2009: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sandia, Albuquerque Convention Center
Charlene DAvanzo, Hampshire College
This workshop is supported by NSF and is only for invited participants who have worked with sets of Diagnostic Question Clusters (DQCs) designed to improve the reasoning and learning of students in general biology and ecology courses. The DQCs were developed by education researchers at Michigan State University who analyzed students' responses to questions about core biological/ecological concepts and ideas; problematic patterns in students' thinking were used to develop systematic approaches to teaching biology and ecology content. In this session, faculty who have been using DQCs and associated active learning strategies will work together again to discuss and evaluate the effective of these resources and approaches.

Registration Fee: $0

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