WK 25 - Learn How to Publish in EcoEd DL, ESA's Digital Teaching Library

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Laguna, Albuquerque Convention Center
Jennifer Riem, Ecological Society of America
Kenneth M. Klemow, Wilkes University; and David Kirschtel, Consultant
This workshop will explain how you can publish the resources that you have developed to teach ecology through ESA. We'll introduce you to EcoEd DL (www.ecoed.net), ESA’s digital teaching library, and highlight examples of the types of resources we are accepting for publication. We’ll then walk through the submission and review process using a previously published resource as an example. Along the way, we’ll also go over the review guidelines. Finally, we’ll cover copyright issues and terms of use. EcoEd DL is a peer-reviewed venue where ecology educators can share the unique resources they have developed for teaching with the larger ecology education community. The library provides free access to high-quality teaching resources that have been peer-reviewed for scientific accuracy and instructional value. EcoEd DL contains a variety of resources for undergraduate ecology courses, such as photographs, figures and tables, and classroom activities. EcoEd DL is part of the Biology Pathway (BEN; www.biosciednet.org) of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL; www.nsdl.org), both of which are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Registration Fee: $0

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