Monday, August 3, 2009: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm C, Albuquerque Convention Center
Jennifer Riem, Ecological Society of America
This is your chance to share your favorite classroom activity with other ecology faculty and learn about what your colleagues are doing to engage their undergraduate students. This session will break into small groups so that everyone can describe their activities to a few colleagues. Groups will offer general feedback and suggestions, including what kinds of information most educators will need to know to try an activity in their own courses. Discussion will also include how each activity could be improved, tailored, and/or adapted for use in different learning environments. If time and group size allow, there will be sharing with the larger group at the end of the session. You do not need to bring any formal writeup of your activity with you to the session. We will provide information on digital publishing options during the session.