COS 114 - Biogeochemistry: Linking Community Structure and Ecosystem Function

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Aztec, Albuquerque Convention Center
Jared L. DeForest, Ohio University
8:40 AM
 Soil pH, ecological stoichiometry, and allometric scaling in soil biota
Christian Mulder, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment; Jim Elser, Arizona State University
9:00 AM
 A cross-site comparison of methane uptake rates and methanotroph community composition at three grassland LTER sites
Craig R. Judd, Colorado State University; Joe C. von Fischer, Colorado State University; Noah Fierer, University of Colorado
9:20 AM
 Soil warming and microbial communities: Insights from combining genetic and biogeochemical measures
Jessica L.M. Gutknecht, Helmoltz- Centre for Environmental Research- UFZ; Dorthe Petersen, University of California, Berekely; Biao Zhu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Donald J. Herman, University of California, Berkeley; Mary K. Firestone, University of California, Berkeley; Weixin Cheng, University of California at Santa Cruz
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
 Effects of macroinvertebrate species composition and density on benthic oxygen and nutrient flux and concentrations of ammonium and soluble-sulfides in sediment porewater in shallow estuaries
Ursula H. Mahl, Cornell University; Anna C. Tyler, Rochester Institute of Technology; Robert W. Howarth, Cornell University; Natalie Mc Lenaghan, Rochester Institute of Technology
10:30 AM
 Integrating estimates of ecosystem respiration from eddy covariance towers with automated measures of soil respiration: Examining the development and influence of hysteresis in soil respiratory fluxes along a woody plant encroachment gradient
Greg A. Barron-Gafford, University of Arizona; Russell Scott, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; G. Darrel Jenerette, University of California; Travis E. Huxman, University of California, Irvine
10:50 AM
 Tree species effects on ecosystem water-use efficiency in a high-elevation, subalpine forest
Russell K. Monson, University of Arizona; Margaret R. Prater, University of Colorado Boulder; Jia Hu, Montana State University; Sean Burns, University of Colorado Boulder; Laura Scott, University of Colorado Boulder; Jed P. Sparks, Cornell University; Kimberlee L. Sparks, Cornell University
11:10 AM
 Ecosystem process responses to guppy introduction and light manipulation in Trinidad streams
Michael C. Marshall, University of Georgia; Rana W. El-Sabaawi, University of Victoria; Thomas N. Heatherly, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Andres Lopez-Sepulcre, University of California, Riverside; Catherine M. Pringle, University of Georgia; Steve A. Thomas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Alexander S. Flecker, Cornell University; David N. Reznick, University of California Riverside
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