COS 105 - Dispersal and Colonization: Genetics and Invasion

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Picuris, Albuquerque Convention Center
Kristin L. Mercer, The Ohio State University
1:30 PM
 Shade coffee, it’s not just for the birds: Pollen-mediated gene flow for a buzz-pollinated tree
Shalene Jha, University of Texas at Austin; Christopher W. Dick, University of Michigan
1:50 PM
2:30 PM
 Fungal endophytes utilize the seeds of their hosts to colonize new areas
Rachel L. Sewell Nesteruk, University of Washington
2:50 PM
 Role of a native legume in facilitating native vs. invasive species in sagebrush steppe before and after fire
Erin M. Goergen, St. Petersburg College; Jeanne Chambers, USDA Forest Service
3:10 PM
3:40 PM
 Propagule pressure-establishment relationships vary with environmental conditions for Lespedeza cuneata in a Kansas grassland
Gregory R. Houseman, Wichita State University; Bryan L. Foster, University of Kansas; Chad Brassil, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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