COS 87 - Conservation Management

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Cinnarron, Albuquerque Convention Center
Harold Balbach, US Army ERDC
8:00 AM
 The role of Wildlife Management Areas for the conservation of grassland birds in South-western Manitoba
Sandra Milena Durán, University of Manitoba; Nicola Koper, University of Manitoba
8:20 AM
 A long-term study of contaminant effects on cavity-nesting birds in New Mexico
Jeanne M. Fair, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Mark D. Jankowski, Los Alamos National Laboratory
8:40 AM
 Is translocation a useful tool to sustain species at risk?
Harold Balbach, US Army ERDC; Elizabeth Keane, US Army ERDC
9:00 AM
 Thorne's hairstreak and Tecate cypress: New findings about this rare butterfly and its host
Christina Congedo, San Diego State University; Kathy S. Williams, San Diego State University
9:20 AM
 Evaluating the effects of cattle grazing on a coastal prairie in central California
Meghan J. Skaer, Sonoma State University; Dawn J. Graydon, Sonoma State University; J. Hall Cushman, Sonoma State University
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
 Determination of baseline ecological conditions in the Galápagos Islands    
Emily E. Coffey, University of Oxford; Katherine J. Willis, University of Oxford; Cynthia A. Froyd, University of Oxford
10:10 AM
 An integrated analysis of minimum count, mark-resight, and telemetry data to estimate key demographic parameters in an endangered species
Heather E. Johnson, University of Montana; L. Scott Mills, North Carolina State University; John D. Wehausen, University of California; Thomas R. Stephenson, California Department of Fish and Game
10:30 AM
 An experimental habitat restoration in Pumpkin Hill Creek Preserve State Park for the management of Gopherus polyphemus
Katya L. Schuster-Barber, University of North Florida; Joseph Butler, University of North Florida
10:50 AM
 Contact structure of white-tailed deer in New York: Informing risk models and management decisions
David M. Williams, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Amy C. Dechen Quinn, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry; William F. Porter, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
11:10 AM
 Biological conservation through integrated conservation and development: Has Iwokrama been successful?
Emily E. Kachorek, California State University, Sacramento; José MV Fragoso, Stanford University; Kirsten M. Silvius, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; Jane Read, Syracuse University; Sean Giery, Florida International University; Jeffrey Luzar, State University of New York-College of Environmental Science and Forestry; L. Flamarion de Oliveira, National Museum of Brazil; James Gibbs, State University of New York-College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Jamie M. Kneitel, California State University, Sacramento; Michelle L. Stevens, CSUS
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