COS 11 - Marine Systems: Intertidal and Reefs

Monday, August 3, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Grand Pavillion I, Hyatt
Deborah L. Santavy, U.S. EPA
1:30 PM
 Spatiotemporal development of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of stormwater plumes in Santa Monica Bay, California
Alina A. Corcoran, New Mexico State University; Kristen Reifel, University of Southern California; Rebecca F. Shipe, University of California, Los Angeles
1:50 PM
 Regional oceanography, rather than local interactions, is more important to rocky intertidal community formation at the meta-ecosystem scale
Sally D. Hacker, Oregon State University; Bruce A. Menge, Oregon State University; Francis Chan, Oregon State University; Karina J. Nielsen, Sonoma State University
2:10 PM
 Factors mediating the distribution of Suaeda linearis in Georgia coastal marshes
Hongyu Guo, University of Houston; Christine Ewers, University of Houston; Steven Pennings, University of Houston
2:50 PM
 Rocky benches are important thermal refuges for intertidal organisms
Joanna R. Bernhardt, University of British Columbia; Keryn B. Gedan, Brown University; Heather M. Leslie, Brown University; Mark D. Bertness, Brown University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Outgrowing the enemy: Modeling size dependent competition and settlement refuges in competition between coral and crustose coralline algae
Kate E. Buenau, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Nichole N. Price, Scripps Institution of Oceonography; Roger Nisbet, University of California
4:00 PM
 CANCELLED - A rapid estimation method for assessing reef habitat provided by sponges and octocorals on shallow and deep water reefs
Deborah L. Santavy, U.S. EPA; William S. Fisher, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Robert L. Quarles, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Lee A. Courtney, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
4:20 PM
 Drivers of local variation in pacific oyster growth (Crassostrea gigas): food limitation or tidal circulation?
Elizabeth Wheat, University of Washington; Jennifer L. Ruesink, University of Washington
4:40 PM
 First report of Phoronis ovalis (Phoronida) from Africa and its effect on shellfish hosts
Alan C. Trimble, University of Washington; Jennifer L. Ruesink, University of Washington
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