Author Index
PS 62 -
Thursday, August 6, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 62-16
Multi-year study of adult and juvenile Wood Frog and American Toad migration orientations
Rebecca N. Homan
Denison University
Meredith Atwood
Denison University
Ashley Dunkle
Denison University
Sarah Karr
Denison University
PS 62-17
Effects of an experimentally clumped resource on den use patterns of male raccoons (
Procoyon lotor
) at Baskett Wildlife Research Area
James L. Loveall
University of Missouri
Morgan E. Wehtje
University of Missouri
Matthew E. Gompper
University of Missouri
PS 62-18
Connectivity of beach mouse habitat in hurricane impacted landscapes: The influence of predation risk, gap width, patch quality, and landscape context on gap crossing probability
Elliot Wilkinson
University of Florida
Lyn Branch
University of Florida
Debbie L. Miller
University of Florida/Milton Campus
PS 62-19
Group foraging is beneficial for stingless bees
Elinor M. Lichtenberg
University of Texas
Vera L. Imperatriz-Fonseca
Universidade de São Paulo
James C. Nieh
University of California, San Diego
PS 62-20
Population dynamics and mortality tradeoffs of bold and shy foraging behavior: A field study with sunfish
Melissa Kjelvik
Michigan State University
Gary Mittelbach
Michigan State University
Laurel Lindemann
Michigan State University
PS 62-21
Effect of atrazine on male ornaments and reproductive behaviors in adult male guppies
Kausalya Shenoy
Univeristy of Kentucky
Philip H. Crowley
University of Kentucky
PS 62-22
Influences of an herbicide on agrobiont intraguild predator activity and interactions
Samuel C. Evans
Miami University
Kerri M. Wrinn
Miami University
Emma M. Shaw
Manchester Metropolitan University
Ann L. Rypstra
Miami University
PS 62-23
Selective predation of
Pachygrapsus crassipes
Hemigrapsus oregonensis
on the California horn snail,
Cerithidea californica
in the laboratory
Maria Magdalena Meza-Lopez
Rice University
Julio Lorda
University of California, Santa Barbara
Armand Kuris
University of California, Santa Barbara
PS 62-24
The effect of nectar concentration on foraging patterns of the lesser long-nosed bat (
Leptonycteris yerbabuenae)
Martín Hesajim de Santiago Hernández
Universidad Michoacán de San Nicolas de Hidalgo.
Mickaël Henry
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Kathryn E. Stoner
Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Yvonne Herrerías Diego Herrerías-Diego
Universidad Michoacán de San Nicolas de Hidalgo.
PS 62-25
Modeling the foraging strategies of African hunters and gatherers
Erik Otárola-Castillo
Iowa State University
Bejamin J. Schoville
Arizona State University
PS 62-26
Stability of crayfish dominance hierarchies in an unstable environment
Nathan M. Klar
University of Kentucky
P.H. Crowley
University of Kentucky
PS 62-27
Landscape use of the greater long-nosed bat,
Leptonycteris nivalis
, in Big Bend National Park, Texas
Angela E. England
University of New Mexico
PS 62-28
Determining whether mate-searching males use directional information in female signals in the treehopper,
Umbonia crassicornis
Ashley N. Groves
University of Missouri
Jennifer A. Hamel
University of Missouri
Reginald B. Cocroft
University of Missouri
PS 62-29
Assessing relative rates of development between 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas species (
Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadidae
Jeselyn Calderon-Ayala
Universidad Metropolitana
Elizabeth Wade
University of Connecticut (UCONN)
Chris Simon, Ph.D.
University of Connecticut (UCONN)
PS 62-30
Preliminary data on body temperature of the rock rattlesnake (
Crotalus lepidus
) from far west Texas
Vicente Mata-Silva
University of Texas at El Paso
Anthony Gandara
University of Texas at El Paso
Arthur Rocha
University of Texas at El Paso
Steven Dilks
University of Texas at El Paso
Jerry D Johnson
University of Texas at El Paso
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