PS 6 - Climate Change: Plants

Monday, August 3, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
 Monitoring vegetation phenology along an elevation gradient to delineate regional vegetation-climate trends
Kim Votta, Margret & H.A. Rey Center; Christopher J. Hilke, Margret and H.A. Rey Center; Michele L. Pruyn, Plymouth State University
 Design and performance of an experimental infrastructure for ecosystem rainfall manipulation in a semiarid piñon-juniper woodland
Judson P. Hill, University of New Mexico; Jennifer A. Plaut, University of New Mexico; Enrico A. Yepez, University of New Mexico; James R. Elliot, University of New Mexico; William T. Pockman, University of New Mexico; Nathan G. McDowell, Los Alamos National Laboratory
 Shifts in plant gas exchange rates in response to experimentally altered climate regimes at the Boston Area Climate Experiment (BACE)
Vikki Rodgers, Babson College; Michael Daley, Lasell College; Jeffrey Dukes, Purdue University
 Grazing alters grassland sensitivity to more extreme precipitation regimes in tallgrass prairie
Sally E. Koerner, Duke University; Scott L. Collins, University of New Mexico; Alan K. Knapp, Colorado State University; John M. Blair, Kansas State University; Melinda D. Smith, Colorado State University
 Management impacts on forest carbon balance
Daniel P. Bebber, Earthwatch Institute; Terhi Riutta, University of Oxford; Nancy Khan, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Jeffrey Lombardo, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Robson Capretz, Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental; Indu Murthy, Indian Institute of Sciences
 Effect of temperature mediated increases in VPD on tree seedling gas exchange and survival
Rodney Will, Oklahoma State University; Thomas Hennessey, Oklahoma State University; Edward Lorenzi, Oklahoma State University
 Greater seed production in elevated CO2 is not accompanied by reduced seed quality in loblolly pine
Danielle A. Way, University of Western Ontario; Shannon L. LaDeau, Cary Insitute of Ecosystem Studies; Heather R. McCarthy, University of Oklahoma; James S. Clark, Duke University; Ram Oren, Duke University; Adrien C. Finzi, Boston University; Robert B. Jackson, Stanford and Duke universities
 Divergent responses to recent climate warming in Siberian Picea and Larix
Andrea H. Lloyd, Middlebury College; Andy Bunn, Western Washington University; Logan Berner, Western Washington University
 Impacts of the interaction between viral pathogens and mutualistic fungi on plant performance under elevated CO2
Megan A. Rúa, University of Mississippi; Jeff Barton, USDA - Agricultural Research Service; Charles E. Mitchell, UNC-Chapel Hill; James Umbanhowar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Shuijin Hu, North Carolina State University
 Using dendrochronological techniques to investigate the effects of global warming on Larix laricina
Morgan Lucke, Michigan State University; Kelly Hickman, Michigan State University; Timothy Hose, Michigan State University; Katie Oleski, Michigan State University; Kathleen Peshek, Michigan State University; Elizabeth Ratzloff, Michigan State University; Taiquitha Robins, Michigan State University; Nathan W. Siegert, Michigan State University; Jennifer A. Lau, Michigan State University
 Spectral assessment of Mojave global change treatment effects
Lynn F. Fenstermaker, Desert Research Institute; Beth A. Newingham, University of Idaho; Stanley D. Smith, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Therese N. Charlet, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 Climate effects on tree seedling establishment at alpine timberline: experimental evidence for effects of temperature and winter and summer precipitation
Matthew J. Germino, US Geological Survey; Sheel Bansal, US Geological Survey; Tristan Kelley, Idaho State University; Keith Reinhardt, Idaho State University
 Climate change effects on Lepanthes rupestris subpopulation dynamics
Paola Olaya, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras and Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation (CREST-CATEC); Elvia Melendez-Ackerman, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras; Raymond L. Tremblay, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao; Maria Eglee Perez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras and Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation (CREST-CATEC)
 Plants as drivers of ecohydrological processes: a vegetation perspective on global change
Ronald J. Ryel, Utah State University; A. Joshua Leffler, USDA-ARS; Kevin R. Hultine, Desert Botanical Garden
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