COS 41 - Evolution: Selection and Adaptation - Interactions

Tuesday, August 4, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Sendero Blrm II, Hyatt
Tracy L. Langkilde, Penn State University
1:30 PM
 Examining the Evolutionary Stability of Coexistence: Competition in Fluctuating Resource Environments
Colin T. Kremer, Yale University; Christopher A. Klausmeier, Michigan State University
1:50 PM
 Analyzing plant defense chemistry at the genus-level: patterns and processes in the tropical legume Inga
John Lokvam, University of Utah; Eric T. Murakami, University of Utah; Phyllis D. Coley, University of Utah; Thomas A. Kursar, University of Utah
2:30 PM
 Genetic tracking of changes in the relative importance of intra- and interspecific competition linked with habitat restoration
Luc De Meester, KU Leuven; Helen Michels, K.U.Leuven; Joost Vanoverbeke, K.U.Leuven
2:50 PM
 Genetic variation and local adaptation at an invasion edge of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)
Elizabeth A. Leger, University of Nevada, Reno; Erin K. Espeland, USDA-ARS; Susan E. Meyer, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; Keith R. Merrill, North Carolina State University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Adaptive evolution and plasticity define the distribution of European weeds across elevation gradients in Hawai'i
Gabi Jakobs, Univesrity of Hawaii at Manoa; Curtis Daehler, University of Hawaii
4:00 PM
 Local adaptation in the sea: Prey recruitment drives adaptive differentiation in a predatory snail
Eric Sanford, University of California Davis; David J. Worth, University of California Davis
4:20 PM
 Magnitude, rate, and pattern of phenotypic trait changes in exploited prey
Chris T. Darimont, University of California, Santa Cruz; Stephanie M. Carlson, University of California, Berkeley; Michael T. Kinnison, University of Maine; Paul Paquet, Raincoast Conservation Foundation; Thomas E. Reimchen, University of Victoria; Chris Wilmers, University of California, Santa Cruz
4:40 PM
 Mammalian sex allocation: Testing adaptive hypotheses in a metatherian model
Kylie A. Robert, The University of Western Australia
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