PS 80 - Latebreaking: Climate Change

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
 Linking microbial community structure and function to seasonal differences in soil moisture and temperature in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland
Colin Bell, Colorado State University; David Tissue, Texas Tech University; John Zak, Texas Tech University
 The climate forcing from permafrost carbon release under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Hanna Lee, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Edward A. G. Schuur, University of Florida; Jason G. Vogel, Texas A&M University - College Station; Kanika S. Inglett, University of Florida; Jeffery P. Chanton, Florida State University
 Toward a complete model of radial growth in Pinus edulis: the effects of CO2 and prior years
C. Susannah Tysor, University of British Columbia; Amy V. Whipple, Northern Arizona University; George W. Koch, Northern Arizona University
 Seasonality is critical to understanding the controls and budget of annual CO2 exchange in Arctic tundra ecosystems
Cheryl Laskowski, San Diego State University; Douglas Deutschman, San Diego State University; George Burba, LI-COR Biosciences; Walter Oechel, San Diego State University
 Predator nematodes decline with long-term CO2 enrichment
Anita Antoninka, Northern Arizona University; Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota; Nancy C. Johnson, Northern Arizona University
 The effects of short term temperature fluctuations on carbon balance and growth in poplar saplings
Sofia Cerasoli, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa; Timothy M. Wertin, University of Illinois; Mary Anne McGuire, University of Georgia; Doug P. Aubrey, University of Georgia; Robert O. Teskey, University of Georgia
 Urban Tree Phenology: Teaching and learning ecology through public participation and research
Kirsten K. Meymaris, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Karl Clarke, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Dudley Hartel, U.S. Forest Service; Paul Alaback, University of Montana; Kay Havens, Chicago Botanic Garden; Jennifer Schwarz Ballard, Chicago Botanic Garden; Sandra Henderson, NEON, Inc.
 A tipping point for coral symbiosis: Non-linear response to environmental change may drive a rapid shift in coral symbionts
Thomas A. Oliver, Stanford University; Kevin R. Arrigo, Stanford University; Stephen R. Palumbi, Stanford University
 Forecasting climate induced distribution shifts for the pinions and junipers of the Western US
Jacob R. Gibson, Utah State University; Thomas C. Edwards, Utah State University; Gretchen Moisen, United States Forest Service
 Ecosystem responses to experimental warming and precipitation alteration in an arid ecosystem
Tamara J. Zelikova, University of Wyoming; Sasha C. Reed, U.S. Geological Survey; Jayne Belnap, U.S. Geological Survey
 Using dynamic energy budget models to predict climate change impacts on the reproductive success of female polar bears
Péter K. Molnár, Princeton University; Mark, A. Lewis, University of Alberta; Andrew E. Derocher, University of Alberta; Tin Klanjscek, Ruđer Bošković Institute
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