PS 84 - Latebreaking: Education

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
 The Wisconsin idea: Encss synergy model to improve eco-environmental health
Chao Liang, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Carol L. Held, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars (ENCSS); Xiaodong Kuang, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars (ENCSS); Jeff Smoller, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars (ENCSS); Michael Held, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars (ENCSS); Xin Wei, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars (ENCSS); Terry Shelton, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars (ENCSS); Xiaojun Lu, Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and Scholars
 A biology lesson for the Pope
Dr. Max F. Kummerow, Curtin Unversity
 Field ecology at Black Rock Forest with high schoolers from an urban-suburban-rural gradient
Angelica E. Patterson, Barnard College, Columbia University; Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch, Barnard College, Columbia University; William SF Schuster, Black Rock Forest Consortium
 Ecology of environmental education: Feedbacks, education, and resilience
Keith G. Tidball, Cornell University; Marianne E. Krasny, Cornell University
 Using your vacation trip towards a more ecologically-informed society: A journey to and from the Galapagos Islands
Catarina Moura, Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ULisboa), Centro de Ecologia Funcional (U.Coimbra) and UC-Berkeley; Helena Freitas, UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity Safeguard for Sustainable Development, Center for Functional Ecology
 Elementary education outreach: Teaching ecological concepts using locally abundant insects
Heather S. Mallory, Georgetown University; Divya Uma, University of Maryland; Aaron F. Howard, Georgetown University; Martha R. Weiss, Georgetown University
 Using a semester class to teach and inventory biodiversity: The conservation of the College Woods at Delaware State University; our tiny but threatened piece of the natural world
Kevina Vulinec, Delaware State University; Susan Yost, Delaware State University; Marissa Brady, Delaware State University; Matthew Breece, Delaware State University; Johnna Fay, Delaware State University; John Hayes, Delaware State University; Yingxin Lin, Delaware State University; Roger J. Masse, Delaware State University; Johnny Moore, Delaware State University; Keleigh Provost, Delaware State University; Bellamy Reynolds, Delaware State University; Christie Starke, Delaware State University
 Integrating a portable x-ray fluorescence (PXRF) instrument into undergraduate ecology, chemistry, and anthropology courses
Robert L. Sanford Jr., University of Denver; Keith Miller, University of Denver; Bonnie Clark, University of Denver; Lesley Rosenthal, University of Denver
 GLOBE Carbon Cycle Project: Hands-on experiments in the classroom
Katerina Cihakova, TEREZA Association; Jana Albrechtova, Charles University; Zuzana Lhotakova, Charles University
 Enhancing sustainability through environmental education and outreach to under-represented communities
Stacy Smith, Delaware State University; John Branch Jr., Florida A&M University; Judith Sarkodee-Adoo, Florida A&M University; Larry Robinson, Florida A&M University; Jennifer Cherrier, Florida A&M University; Elijah Johnson, Florida A&M University
 Transforming students into scientists: Engaging high school students in ecological research through the NSF GK-12 program
Anna M. Stewart, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Keith C. Bowman, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Shannon M. Buckley, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Lindsay Cray, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Mitchell Graves, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Catherine L. Landis, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Nicole A. Werner, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Yazmin Rivera, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Neil Patterson Jr., SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Donald J. Leopold, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Richard Beal, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Charles Spuches, SUNY- College of Environmental Science and Forestry
 Training the next generation of environmental problem solvers: The School of Global Environmental Sustainability at Colorado State University
Cynthia S. Brown, Colorado State University; Michael K. Brydge, Colorado State University; Tracy E. Smith, Colorado State University; Richard T. Conant, Queensland University of Technology; Kathleen A. Pickering, Colorado State University; Diana H. Wall, Colorado State University
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