PS 1 - NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) focuses on grand challenge questions in environmental science relevant to large regions that cannot be addressed with traditional ecological approaches. These challenges involve: (1) understanding and predicting the way ecosystems work and respond to changes, especially at large scales; (2) understanding how ecosystem processes feed back to alter Earth System processes, including climate and hydrology; and (3) understanding the implications of these processes and feedbacks for the human endeavor. NEON will be an NSF-sponsored research facility for the study of long-term, large-scale ecological change. The goal of NEON is to enable understanding and forecasting of the impacts of climate change, land use change and invasive species on continental-scale ecology by providing infrastructure to support research in these areas.
 A strategy for NEON data products
Michael Keller, NEON Inc.
 NEON: Enabling Ecological Forecasting
David S. Schimel, Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
 Enabling continental scale ecology with the NEON land use analysis package
Steve Aulenbach, NEON, Inc. (National Ecological Observatory Network); Michael Keller, NEON Inc.; Robert Tawa, NEON, Inc. (National Ecological Observatory Network)
 NEON airborne remote sensing of vegetation canopy, biochemistry and structure
Brian R. Johnson, NEON, Inc.; Thomas U. Kampe, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.); Michele Kuester, NEON Inc.
 The NEON Fundamental Sentinel Unit: Organismal measurements in a national network
Rebecca Hufft Kao, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.); Valerie McKenzie, University of Colorado; Heather Powell, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.)
 The STREON Experiment: Experiments as accelerators of change in NEON
Heather Powell, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.); Patrick J. Mulholland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Hank Loescher, NEON Inc.; Tom Cilke, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
 Connectivity in the NEON Design: Understanding reactive nitrogen and dust transport and their ecosystem effects
Jill Baron, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, United States Geological Survey; Jayne Belnap, U.S. Geological Survey; Ben Bobowski, National Park Service; Kelly Elder, USDA Forest Service; Alan K. Knapp, Colorado State University; E.F. Kelly, Colorado State University; Judy Visty, National Park Service; Mark Williams, University of Colorado
 Scaling NEON biological data from points to the continent
Thomas J. Stohlgren, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory; Rebecca Hufft Kao, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.); David T. Barnett, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON); Paul Evangelista, Colorado State University
 Quantifying climatically driven changes in ecological responses: A simulation study
Paul Duffy, Neptune and Company, Inc.; David S. Schimel, Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology; Tom B. Stockton, Neptune and Company, Inc.; Thompson Hobbs, Colorado State University
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