Results/Conclusions The total number of intact coral formations observed within sampling transects decreased 17.6% from 2006-2008. The percentage of intact corals that supported living coral tissue differed between years in our study (ANOVA, F=20.695, P<0.001). The percentage of intact corals that supported 100% living coral cover decreased from 14.2% in 2006 to 8.3% in 2008, whereas the percentage of intact corals that supported no living coral tissue increased from 13.2% in 2006 to 24.1% in 2008. Such information on the magnitude and distribution of damage caused by snorkelers is an important component of any strategy to manage tourism on coral reefs. This research underscores the need for coastal marine management initiatives and snorkeler/diver education to reduce human-induced coral damage in frequently visited locales.