The SC component was a significant positive predictor of NTR, N mineralization (N MIN), and DNT. The HC component was a significant positive predictor of AMMON and a significant negative predictor of percent NTR. The SMVAR component was not related to any fluxes. These results indicate that HC controls some N processes, like AMMON, which is the rate-limiting step in inorganic N cycling. Soil conditions, however, such as higher SM, TOC, and associated lower BD, can stimulate other N processes, such as DNT and NTR, which produces the NO3- substrate for DNT. Investigation of age-related factors showed that 3 and 4 year old created wetlands had significantly lower TOC and higher BD than 7 and 10 year old wetlands. Denitrification followed the same trend as TOC (and opposite trend of BD) with 3 and 4 year old wetlands demonstrating significantly lower DNT than 7 and 10 year old wetlands. TOC was also a significant positive predictor of NTR, AMMON, and N MIN. Experimental manipulations of MT demonstrated that NTR and DNT increased with certain aspects of MT. This study highlights the importance of HC, soil maturation, and incorporation of MT in the development of N cycling and coupled N processes in wetlands – wetlands with greater HC, soil organic matter, and MT had greater coupled N cycles – findings that can inform design and management decisions in created wetland systems.